How buy ICONOMI on Liqui?
Don't trade IOU but if you want loose then ok
What loose? You think IOU Trading is to expensiv at his actually Price?
On Lisk IOU I was also involved and make big Proft. Waves also. If you buy cheap it is no Problem.
If you buy to high that is not good. Bur do you dont think that 0.00035 are not cheap?
fckn troll
If your exchange would be so legit, you would't promoting it like that
I am not involved in Liqui. i bought @ ICO because at my time i dont know about Liqui. But some friends of my bought via Liqui during the ICO and make a good Profit.
One friend bougt 2 BTC for under 0.00021 and sold @ 0.0005 he got round about 5 BTC back during the first day.
He cashed out and invested this in another ICO.
why do you use an account you created only yesterday?
and this: