Po navedbah medijev naj bi projekt ICONOMI zaživel okoli novega leta, deloval pa naj bi kot platforma za upravljanje investicijskih skladov, katerih investicijska politika bo povezana s kriptovalutami oziroma instrumenti, izdanimi na podlagi tehnologije podatkovnih blokov. Podjetje Cashila OOD s.r.o. naj bi preko navedene platforme v januarju 2017 vzpostavilo tudi dva investicijska sklada. ATVP pojasnjuje, da skladno z evropsko zakonodajo v EU in Republiki Slovenji lahko upravljata (alternativni) investicijski sklad samo "družba za upravljanje in upravljavec alternativnih investicijskih skladov," ki imata za to ustrezna dovoljenja in sta podvržena nadzoru regulatorja.
Agency for trading valuable papers (ATVP) has noticed in media articles about launch of ICONOMI project, which enables investors investing in so called 'cryptocurrencies' or 'coins', made on blockchain technology.
Platform ICONOMI was launched with help of crowdfunding, and is made by company Cashila OOD s.r.o with chair in Czech republic (multiple times called startup company in Slovenian media). ATVP with connection with that explains, that on territory of cryptocurrencies and other financial instruments, made with blockchain technology, in Slovenia and EU are not yet regulated by law. This is why company Cashila OOD s.r.o and ICONOMI in this moment aren't regulated and supervised from ATVP.
We saw from media/news that project ICONOMI should be alive around new year, and should be working platform for investment funds, which politics will be based/connected to cryptocurrencies / instruments based on blockchain.
Company Cashila OOD s.r.o should through previously named platform should in January 2017 have setup two investment funds. ATVP explains, that only two regulated organisations can operate investment funds in Slovenia, based on EU law.