Awesome project guys, just found you from LoyceV's merit list, so dumped my spare ones at you. I think it's a really interesting project, and collectors would love this but, my question is: aren't many physical Bitcoins anyway unfunded? That was my assumption anyway, I have bought the odd collectible or so, but only to give away to others as gifts so I don't myself own any now but I recall everything I'd ever bought as unfunded.
So how does that work with this project? Still awesome anyway and I'm looking forward, 15 days means it's 4 more days coming!
@OP How could you never have had a forum account before!? But welcome =)
Thanks everyone for your kind words.
Yes, it is very interesting !
There are many physical Bitcoins that are unfunded, but also there are many that are funded and there is only a few trackers that are very specific to one kind of item.
4 more days coming ... Well ...
Our script is parsing the whole dataset of Bitcoin Core's blockchain.
This is where we are at (just checked now) :
As blocks got completely full at around block #400,000; the process became much more lenghtly.
1000 blocks means that 1GB of data was processed. I'm not sure how to enhance the performances.
I'm pretty flat out at the moment, but if you need any advice on setting up huge EC2 instances as cheaply as possible to do any number crunching etc, PM me, I'd be happy to help, it's half my day job.
Thanks !
I will reach out to you, maybe you can give us a couple advise ? That'd be great.
Thanks for pointing this thread ! Yes, absolutely.
We have access to Blockchair's data-dumps with an API key. They do a lot of them !
However Magnat's task was to find a way to come up with one of these dumps, and this is what we're compiling as of now.
Actually, that's why it displays balances for Coldkeys.
I gave him Blockchair's dump and a list of Coldkeys and asked him to retrieve the amounts from the dump.
We do it step by step.
When all the existing blocks will be processed, we'll have the state of all addresses "in-use" and their "balances" in BTC's blockchain.
We will process new blocks on the fly to always have an up-to-date state of addresses.
This data is precious and I can already think of more uses for it when the parsing is complete.
But yeah, this tracker will function only with our in-house tools.
Thanks for the great ressource !
Magnat's been compiling many makers lists for now and will continue to do so, among other things.
That's some good shit right there.
Surely needed a all in one physical tracker.
one that stands out to me as difficult would be lealana coins. There doesnt seem to be public lists posted anywhere for the BTC coins, the addresses of each coin are just passed from seller to buyer.
Definitely true! there's no record of lealana coins, so if this can help with that, it's gonna be golden.
though it still won't show the unloaded coins address.
Thanks Sky !
Yeah... I'm not sure how to figure that out.
Can someone share a Lealana
BTC coin public address ?
Maybe we can figure it out by following the trails in the blockchain but without a proper list it's going to be tough.