Here's the dev update: paper released, 2 more coming:
It’s called PARSEC (Protocol for Asynchronous, Reliable, Secure and Efficient Consensus) and the details of the RFC are available here 1 and today we are also releasing a corresponding Whitepaper. In addition, those looking for a higher level introduction should also check out our Medium article. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed working on them.
As you will find, PARSEC is an effective solution to the difficult challenge of achieving vote ordering in a decentralised network, even if ⅓ of nodes minus one are malicious. This is very interesting in itself, but when we incorporate some of the other deliverables of the Routing library, such as: Add, Remove, Split, Merge and Secure message transfer the functionality this provides is quite revolutionary.
code already up and running:
The exciting part about these papers is that the code is already written, and some of it is running in Alpha 2!
Lot of speedup on releasing Alpha 3 and up to BETA:
As many have speculated, this algorithm will reduce significantly the number of testnets and code we write. Instead of huge conditional sets in our codebase, it will be reduced to this algorithm. Then adding features: add, remove, split, merge and secure message relay, Routing will be complete for Alpha 3. This marks the end of the unknowns we have to face before launch. From this point on we will be finalising Vault rules, Safecoin farming, SOLID integration and all of the client API’s and bindings.
This is great news, also shared as open source.....