Since MaidSafe is building its own network, so to speak, and email will be a part of it, won't that open the door for any type of app?
Meaning phone calls, video conferencing etc.?
It concerns me, however, that MaidSafecoins currently live on the Bitcoin Blockchain.
If BTC hits the skids, will that necessarily eradicate MAID's?
Seems like the SafeCoins need to come online sooner, rather than later.
Yes all those app's can be made on the safe network, think also on a cheaper Twitter, Facebook, Youtube
But they are now working the Api's out that will become better and better and easier to adopt for everyone.
Also developers can run there apps just by copy from the "normal internet" one to the maidsafe network and
run them much cheaper.
That maidsafe is running on the bitcoin blockchain is no problem at all, cause the bitcoin price doesnt matter
it's just a omni token and keeps it true value, besides i think no one is concerned that bitcoin will be gone in lets say 6 months.
Safecoin will be unique anno and fast and scalable, i rather want them to take their time and sort everything perfectly we all
know how the DAO ended up.
Eventually i really see maidsafe outbeat bitcoin in the future on market cap.