For those interested, we've seen a load of updates today in the Maidsafe repo on GitHub. This is one of the most important ones:
Appendable data is a form of data which can be edited by anyone. So what does this mean? Well let's put it this way. If you work with a server (like websites) you can write a reply, change it afterwards and more. Think of PHP, JAVA and all the great apps we use everyday. As Maidsafe doesn't use any server they had to find a way to make this workable as well. And that's exactly what they did with structured data like appendable data and more. They also created an API for all devs and app-builders to work with. So what could be build with this??
- Forums
- Blogs
- Social Networks
- "Google docs" where several people can work on the same document
- Websites that allow replies
It's actually dynamic data without servers on a fully encrypted P2P-network
. So on the
Alpha 1 network everyone can publish a static website. But my guess is in Alpha 2 every devs can create dynamic websites as well like forums, chats and more. The devs also promised a
SAFE Email app in the coming days. This will probably use this "structured data" as well.
So lot of great stuff coming.
Here's a list with all the latest repo updates from this fridaySeems the team is on fire with the new hired devs.