### IRD V5 Hardfork : DONE ! ###
Iridium Hard fork v5 went smooth and successfull... Happy HF !
# Iridium core v5.0.0 and Desktop wallet are out !
# Desktop wallet Release version 5.0.0
** This is a Hard fork release **
After Monday 15th of July, at block 332500, the v4 version will stop working (at least stop syncing),
---- please update : it's safe to update now. ----
* Hardfork to V5 (cn pico) is scheduled at block 332500 on Monday 15th of July around 9:00 UTC
* cn pico/trtl pow algo
* update miniupnp to v2.1 (possible exploit fix)
* New tx notification of all peers do not stop the event loop anymore
* increase DB limits to handle more tx at time and keep app responsive
https://github.com/iridiumdev/iridium-wallet/releases/latest# Core Release version 5.0.0
** This is a Hard fork release **
After Monday 15th of July, at block 332500, v4 blocks (and included tx) will be rejected by v5 nodes.
---- pools owners and exchanges, please update : it's safe to update now ----
* Hardfork to V5 (cn pico) is scheduled at block 332500 on Monday 15th of July around 9:00 UTC
* fix forever years unlock time when sending from simplewallet RPC API without unlock_time parameter
* cn pico/trtl pow algo
* update miniupnp to v2.1
* New tx notification of all peers do not stop the event loop anymore
* increase DB limits to handle more tx at time and keep rpc responsive