about telegram, our moderator (Katherine) has to handle many hundreds of messages daily of all types, so she does not have any time to waste on trolls. She took the aggressive stance of deleting trolling postings. Sometimes she could make an error and delete legit messages by mistake, but we can't blame her in the barrage of posts she has to sort through. (especially that she runs most post in an automatic translator and a lot of the original meaning can be lost.)
There is a big difference between constructive criticism or valuable comments, and emotional rage postings and trolling rants. We see a waaay too many of the later and we delete those on the spot. Intelligent comments and opinions are always kept, reflected on and addressed.
it is funny how some people's idea of constructive criticism we should consider is "this is rubbish, i hate it, grrrr grrrr grrrr, look at me I'm mad!".
then they go on bitcoin talk as 1 post newbies and make sure to post there to take their revenge, hehe.
we will always be friendly and courteous to good people. Act respectable, and we will respect you. Super simple.
Sure, everything is true (no). But that's your business, your face. I see your twitter is revived (thanks to me). It's good, thank you.