Maybe you don' t even know what FUD is... I'm just reporting what is happening.
However you're still saying "we will..we will..we will" I think you had to handle better the situation from the first moment but the only thing that you showed is your incompetence, 8 months are passed and which is the outcome for your investors? reply by yourself, I think that the bitnow's post (above) already gives an idea.
I'm waiting to be unbanned from telegram, I already contacted bitnow and he said "buy another sim to talk with martino on telegram because I don't want to be involved" is this the "team"?
Here the proof (Italian):
If you didn't understand yet: I'll be glad when you unban me on telegram, we're not in North Korea, if you like censorship this is not the place. You already reported me for spam, I think it's enough and more.
That is not
reporting what is happening, that is
accusing someone of incompetence without detailing your motivations... and
you are not doing it in my name.
Long live the Archaeoloy, long live the KAPU project and long live to @kiashaan that is doing an amazing job in connecting people in the Archeological work to technology.
Have a productive day buddyOkay so let's report what is going on (I'm talking about development from the first message, of course)
The last update on GitHub is on 2nd April for kapu-desktop, for the other repo even older.
https://imgur.com/a/El4LiPySince the first repo there are your commits mostly, Giovanni, when the team presented on this thread (first post) is another. I can see "ambros" as CoreDev that I don't know who is, now the CoreDev is you so I don't know if you used a fake nick or is another person. "Luigi" marked as kapu dev never committed nothing on GitHub. So can we know who are the real devs???
Then, looking at your commits you just replace some words with other or something else, there isn't a proof of your skills Giovanni. The only thing completely made by you is
https://kapu-geojson.netlify.com that doesn't exist on GitHub so we can't see the quality of the code but the first impression is really bad, judge by yourself if that is acceptable, is the only thing that has been done and yes, for me is incompetence.