Gaia to KR swap details:
The Gaia swap to KR will take place using email:
- To initiate a swap send an email to [email protected] with the subject " Gaia Swap"
and your email address, amount of Gaia you want to trade for KR, in the body.
* minimum amount is 1000 Gaia and entire amount must be multiple of 1000 Ex: 2000, 3000, 4000, ... 34000 etc...
* do not initiate more than one swap request per email address, that will corrupt your data on our trade sheet.
- Once you have initiated the request, you will be sent a Gaia address to send your gaia coins.
- When your Gaia TX confirms we will add a record to our exchange sheet.
- All swapped or sold KR will be sent after the swap/cfc ends.
* You will be contacted by email to provide a KR address at that time.
- All swap email requests received before 4PM Eastern - 21:00 GMT on Wednesday March 2, 2016 will be honored.
Thank You
May I ask why the KR will be sent after the swap/cfc ends?. You guys are asking to be blindly trusted for several days.
as per any swap/cfc, you always put a level of trust in the other party. Sending your coins to be swapped or buying with btc,
implies a level of trust in the other party. Distribution will start at the end of the swap/cfc so everyone get their coins at around
the same time. This applies to everyone.