was away for the day. did I loose balance of my wallet in my account ?
Lol. Yes. But then we moved it to your new wallet
I am auditing the old wallets tonight and will be transferring any legacy deposits over. It's your risk if you use the old deposit addresses and coins could be lost or trapped.
I have both a customer account and provider account, both were using the same email address. Got the new password email for the customer account, but didn't get anything for the provider account although I did have the email registered in there.
Provider passwords rotate on the next security release.
I am having the exact same issue. I can log into my customer account with the new password, but have not received an email for provider account and neither old nor new password works.
Provider passwords rotate on the next security release. You have to login to the admin page directly:
http://leaserig.net/index.jsp?page=admin or click on the "providers" link on the top right hand side of the page.
The new password they've sent my by e-mail doesn't work on the old and the new site. Also couldn't open a ticket with their support. So attempting to mail them now on the support address. Seems a bit of a bumpy transition between the old and new ownership to me...
Why couldn't you open a ticket with the support portal? I have been responding to PM's Skypes and Chat's though tickets take priority as that work gets distributed. As for the change in ownership, we just did an initial security overhaul to protect customer coins. We have technically owned the site for a few days with no issues and also technically don't own the site until later today
I agree though, changing thousands of passwords and transacting B and doge between wallets hot and cold etc. is not a smooth idea.
Between the fucking captcha and the damned password I can't log in! This isn't my first time using a captcha but the damned thing is saying wrong captcha like half the time. I have tried my original password, which doesn't seem to work, I have tried the new password, which definitely doesn't work.
Why can't we choose our own passwords again?
I believe the answer to "why can't we choose our own passwords" is that we acquired a site where you couldn't change your own passwords
Customers can change passwords and again the next security overhaul will allow providers to change passwords.
On desktop new password works for me, on phone only old pass.
Nothing weird about that :-D
PM me or open a support ticket about that. Sounds a bit.... Odd.
Just as a counter to the negative reports:
I have been able to log into my provider and customer accounts with no issues. Trouble free swap for me.
Thank You!
Same problem here, can logon to the normal site, but not to the admin panel.
Opened a supportticket, hope it gets fixed soon.
Provider passwords rotate on the next security release.
I've also had an unusual amount of trouble with the captcha. I tried 3 times before it accepted my input.
I agree. I want to look at a better captcha system. If AI bots are getting so advanced that humans can't use the captcha we need to think of something else right?
Perhaps the captcha images have become more difficult in the face of improved AI character recognition bots. What I did was to refresh the captcha image ten or so times until I found an obvious one. I also tried the audio version which was sometimes easier - but slower.
Agreed. Still. I think something better than the captcha is or should come out at this point.