the company’s registered number
its registered office address
where the company is registered (England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland)
the fact that it’s a limited company (usually by spelling out the company’s full name including ‘Limited’ or ‘Ltd’)
If you want to include directors’ names, you must list all of them.
If you want to show your company’s share capital (how much the shares were worth when you issued them), you must say how much is ‘paid up’ (owned by shareholders).
As far as I can see, none of the Leo Eco System Websites do respect this - leaving a user or customer completely unclear about who his contractual partner is.
The least that one can say is that this does not clearly help to bild confidence !
For this very reason, I passed your complaint on. I already stated my views that being compliant is important. I am sure this also goes for third parties.