you see the bitcoin price has dropped and you think it is going to go up again. You buy some BTC (in the example
below the buy order is the blue triangle in the chart and the price is 603.18 USD) and you want to put in a sell
order that, should it get filled, will earn you a certain amount. Use the new ruler feature in leonArdo by simply clicking
into the chart and dragging up to the price you want. The ruler is the two dashed red lines extending from the
blue order triangle to the desired price of 615.8 USD. An info box (see left in the middle) immediately tells you that the
difference is 12.62 USD and this represents an effective gain, after fees have been subtracted, of 1.68%.
Once we implemented this feature I found myself using it all the time. It is also interesting to see how the course of
currencies have historically changed. But for manual trading it is now an essential part of leonArdo!