LINA.REVIEW can provide us a good platform where we can find the real deal of the quality of any product that they will feature, but there is a doubt on my mind which is happening all over the world. Yes, it is happening a long time ago until now. This LINA can give such a good and transparent reviews, but those reviews are just made by helpers and i hope this project can be with someone who can provide real quality of any product! what am I telling? Even any good review if there are so much FAKE circulating around, then the review can be true but not for the product we can get. TO MANY FAKE ITEMS NOW, REPLICA!
With so many fake items in every corner, and we cannot stop it because millions of them are being made. And I think that is how Lina.Review will help consumers to specify and verify if a specific item that is being sold by a certain manufacturer is authentic or fake.
In tht note, I beleive that lina has also advertisers meaning that the product is legit. I hope that will also has listings of the official product selling sites. In this case it will prevent fake items too.
For the majority of the fields: "Medical Service, Hospital, Hotels, Movie, Restaurant, Crypto-Currency, Smart Phone", they can't be faked I think. If online shops would join lina,
business and may have to pay for registration or product listing fee(s) (if applicable;