Well, starting to look like I'm out of pow-scrypt mining...I am very suspicious of
https://bitcoinwisdom.com/litecoin/difficulty that was on the last
3 day go around at 8.26% rise. Now with the LTC price drop and other pow-scrypt alt dumps it is down to $105 LTC. But again, you could not make anything
but under 50c ....on a Bitmain L3+ (supposed top of the current generation in mass production anyway of scrypt-pow miners). Now I see the difficulty increase with
8.4hrs to go is +1.04% yet...that, of course, is dumping due to the price.
Where I am with my data hall units including elec and rent (for anyone that cares)
A 500mh 800 watt L3+ at current $105 LTC makes:
NEGATIVE or -$0.25 per day! Or a loss for an L3+ of -$7.62 a month after electric.
24 hours 0.02318045 LTC 2.43 USD 2.69 USD -0.25 USD
7 days 0.16226314 LTC 17.04 USD 18.82 USD -1.78 USD
30 days 0.69541348 LTC 73.02 USD 80.64 USD -7.62 USD
With my 8000mh at 12,800 watts that gives me below:
NEGATIVE or -$4.06 per day! Or a loss for an L3+ of -$121.95 a month after electric.
24 hours 0.37088719 LTC 38.94 USD 43.01 USD -4.06 USD
7 days 2.59621031 LTC 272.60 USD 301.06 USD -28.45 USD
30 days 11.12661562 LTC 1168.29 USD 1290.24 USD -121.95 USD
Now, here is the catch....if 85% of all scrypt-pow miners still more or less able to run out in the world are losing their ass on above....the L3+ and say Bitmain
does come out with their supposed 1.5gh 800 watt unit....we are beyond doomed (thus my bitcoinwisdom difficulty above concerns)
IF Bitmain DOES NOT come out with the supposed 1.5gh 800 watt unit.....the majority of folk that can't get equipment for themselves at Bitmain's
(probably) 20% cost for equipment and also Bitmain's electric costs to boot..and still...can't get the L3+ to fly in this environment.....well
...Bitmain will simply mine what L3+ units they have up now...due to their reduced equipment costs in data hall and electric costs and pick up the slack.
and everyone else will dump off the network.
So if that dire prediction is true due to price vs difficulty...what is the pow-scrypt prices of all those coins
going to do ...including LTC .... if the only folk making 'bank' on the coins are Bitmain as the last man standing? And you are sitting on sidelines with your
now OFF L3+ miners? Are we really gonna go 'yea' 'rah' LTC and pow-scrypt and watch Bitmain cleanup and mine, because the last man standing?
How enthused are people going to be about LTC and pow scrypt...at these depressed prices, will folk be however Bitmain ends up
either with new equipment or just watching the L3+'s that are not at Bitmain's advantages for price and elec in data halls, fade from existence?
So Bitmain mines all summer, drives up difficulty and then they announce everyone can start over an get scrypt-pow miners, to replace all the L3+'s
taken off the world/board/game with their new units, as a 'start over from scratch' plan? Again, at the usual, Bitmain mines over the summer
driving up the difficulty and pre-order equipment 4 months later? Not to mention Bitmain's usual version of kicking them out like 'toasters' in mass?
hell, I'm not gonna play that
So hang on boys and girls LTC and all of scrypt-pow coins could really, really, dump hard and bad, if something does not change and the L3+ can't
manage to keep up with difficulty for whatever reason, bitmain new equipment or just running their old stuff, pow-scrypt coins and LTC could go
back down to under $50 on such a senario....again IF....current generation of L3+ miners are not worth running and the only option is to buy equip
of a dubious pre-order method, from Bitmain, watching it mine the blocks for LTC say all summer, and then not get any supposed new equipment
in the fall....again, not gonna play that tune...
As it looks now, I'll be out of all mining, by the end of the month, and with the equiv of 16 L3+ units, I can't make it, that is pretty dire, IMHO.
So they will be shut off and I'm out of any hardware mining before I go thru last years 'merry go round' of games from Bitmain again.
Anyway, my take on the pitfalls of what could happen, too much concentration in the L3+ as the mainstay miner and too damn many of them...
with Bitmain's own current data halls, and/or supposed next-generation miners going into said data halls this summer...and the 85% of Bitmain
units L3+'s out there in the world, maybe, going doorstop....this could kill pow-scrypt as dead as, how KNC killed scrypt-N in 2014! poof!
But again, as of now, my plan is all L3+'s will be OFF on July 4th 2018....that is my KILL DATE.
It could be a very interesting (in a tragic opera kinda way) July 2018!
Sorry for the rant, and hope I'm wrong about this, but, it is NOT looking in any way/shape or form good...
anyway, better minds than me, rip my viewpoint up...again, would love to be wrong...I just don't see how to get out of this hole
(sigh, it was a good run from 2013...but this may be all she wrote for me....out of hardware)