Indeed. We don't really know how scalable this whole blockchain method is. How much can it handle ( in terms of TX per second ? ) and how much can it scale ?
Right now the TX numbers are very low and we are all happy but nobody has done a through assessment on the testnet to see the upper limit of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies.
C'mon people, are you even reading this thread or you just put coblee on ignore list? (or just trolling the thread)
TX per second for network is not an issue - TX per second for WALLET it is (for now)
Litecoin network like Bitcoin can handle thousands TXes per second without a problem but when all those TXes are going to same wallet... well, wallet will freeze/crash depends on hardware it is running.
For example, Litecoin wallet needs 1 sec. to process each income TX. If in one moment spammer sends to the same address dust spam = 5k TXes Litecoin wallet needs 5K sec = 83 mins to process them all so it cannot handle it.
If nobody send dust spam to your LTC address you will never experience those wallet freeze/crashes.
And now it is too expensive to dust spam people.
Yep. Downloading a 50Gig blockchain would not be fun.
Just look at BTC: its Chain Size is 736M, LTC Chain Size is 314M.
Now, when dust spam is over, I don't see any reason for rapid growth of chain.
So, it will never be 50Gigs - trust my words