Didn't know that - thanks for the info!
But for our readers, if you don't have them already, buying 1060 Ti isn't worth the price tag.
AFAIK and measured:
1050 are winners: the more sols per watt, the more sols per € or $.
They also (often) don't need a PCIe power plug on top - you save this.
1060 are almost as good in production (sols per watt), but a bit worse in terms of price (sols per €/$).
But they're interesting as 1 card will produce almost as 2 x 1050: you save room in your rig.
However they require a PCIe power plug.
1070 are the less interesting if you've to buy them especially for MNX (apart if you've very few room, then it saves on rig space).
Reminder: you've at your disposal a nice, smart, 100% up time and 0.5% fee MNX pool here: https://mnx.forgetop.com
No registration, minimal payout 0.1 MNX.
Both with EU (from USA it makes no difference), and ASIA servers.
And... and... a chat with the Dev and some miners online 24/7 for a friendly help!
I'm mining there for months. We need you. Welcome!