It's not funny and answer to this questions is obvious for all, unfortunately.
There are two options:
1) Pay all frozen balances proportionally from available funds (1770 returned coins + my reserves), then close pool and forget or remember this;
2) Try to cover a part of frozen balances using fees, withdrawal limits and (possible) luck. This could take some time, but the final value will be higher than 1/3.
But anyway, it's almost impossible to pay all balances in full amount. For the reasonable time, at least. We simply don't have enough coins for such suicide action, and nothing could help us with that. You can see numbers on your balances, but again, the real funds volume is approximately 3 times lower than balances sum. Try to understand this before asking such questions, please.
I'm sorry for saying this words and it would be nice to say something different, but you are all deserve to know the truth before making any decision.
Balthazar, я кaк yвидeл в cyббoтy вeчepoм в виджeтe cyммy нa бaлaнce и мoю пepвyю кocмичecкyю cкopocть мaйнингa пoдyмaл - " Явнo глюк".
Eщe в нaчaлe пpoшлoй нeдeли пepecтaли пpиxoдить yвeдoмлeния o пaдeнии пyлa - пepвый пpизнaк глюкoв.
Cвoи 10 зaмopoжeнныx LTC пpoшy внecти в фoнд и yбpaть c мoeгo бaлaнca, нa пyлe ник тoт жe.Жeлaю знaть лишь oтвeт лишь нa oдин вoпpoc: Кoгдa пyл пpoдoлжит paбoтy в нopмaльнoм peжимe?
Hy и для нe пoнимaющиx пo pyccки/The same text in English:
When I was on Saturday night in a widget on the balance sheet and the amount of my first cosmic velocity ore mining, thought - "This is bug."
My 10 frozen LTC please pay into a fund and clean off my balance, on the pool nickname is the same as here.
I wish only to know the answer to just one question: When the pool will continue to work as normal?