
Topic: [ANN] [LTC] [PPS] [OTP 2FA] [Stratum only] LTCMine PPS mining pool (3.3%) - page 28. (Read 227562 times)

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Beaflag VonRathburg

You are right, and it's obvious.

But it seems that some guys couldn't understand this and prefer conspiracy theories or threatening.

If this is so ovious for you, so why you don't want to use this solution or other honest solution?

I trusted this pool, but now i'm dissapointed of incompetition of yours.
This mistake was clearly made by you, the owners, who run the pool. So make something to resolve this problem, your the owner and it is your work, not ours.

And by resolving a problem i think of making full refund to all innocent miners.
Its not matter when we ve got the frozen money. But our work, energy and time should be rewarded. And its not fair to pay 1/3, because this amout not even cover energy lossess and pay our bills for it.

Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
Beaflag VonRathburg

You are right, and it's obvious.

But it seems that some guys couldn't understand this and prefer conspiracy theories or threatening.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
You should simply pay something like 0.5-1 LTC out per day / balance. Offer people who want a quicker withdraw a percentage of their total amount at a lower rate. Very simply solution that makes it easy for everyone. You can pretty much automate it with a HOT WALLET as well so all you have to do is add funds to the wallet when it runs out. That way you can manage the withdraws.

Thats what im calling "use yopur head"

Very good idea.

Its strange to me that owner of two big pools did't figured out something like this.
sr. member
Activity: 472
Merit: 250
You should simply pay something like 0.5-1 LTC out per day / balance. Offer people who want a quicker withdraw a percentage of their total amount at a lower rate. Very simply solution that makes it easy for everyone. You can pretty much automate it with a HOT WALLET as well so all you have to do is add funds to the wallet when it runs out. That way you can manage the withdraws.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
It happend becouse of mistake or not people like you who runs the pool.
It was made by someone who think that his bills has higher value than yours. And it's happened because of my mistake, but it wasn't me.

The full refund is almost impossible within reasonable times, I've said this many pages ago.

MAybe this 68 people was your people and all this "incident" was one big set up. Thats what i think.
"Maybe", "I think"... Are you seriously? I've already paid more than 640000 LTC and 41000 BTC. Compare it with 500 LTC and try to "use your head" before publishing such ridiculous theories. I'm sorry but your logic is really strange.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
I've already told what I can do. It would be better to use your "connections" and time to find 68 users, listed in this topic some time ago. Otherwise it will be simply waste of time.

P.S. Just one question.. Why did you store 500 LTC in pool account instead of your own wallet?

MAybe this 68 people was your people and all this "incident" was one big set up. Thats what i think. Now you petend like innocen and actually this tells me that you are responsible for this "bug"
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
It would be better to use your "connections" against 68 users, listed in this topic some time ago. Otherwise it will be simply waste of time.

Dont blame users. It happend becouse of mistake or not people like you who runs the pool.

Your propositions are silly. Better find out how to make full refund, because your the one resposible for pool. You making money from doing this, not miners. So use your head and do something.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
I've already told what I can do. It would be better to use your "connections" and time to find 68 users, listed in this topic some time ago. Otherwise it will be simply waste of time.

P.S. Just one question.. Why did you store 500 LTC in pool account instead of your own wallet?
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
I lve near Russia and i can find lets say Baltazar. Im angry and i have connections haha

Im not kidding rigt now.

This "problem" with withdrawals seams very suspicious for me. I think its not a mistake or bug. Someone wanted to steal our money, thats what i think. If not, then we all get full refund, not 1/3

IMO the best solution in this situation is run pool and set 5 percent of rewards for refund purpose. ANd after month or maybe even faster all people get their blocked coins.

It is very unfair to pay 1/3 of funds. Because people have many coins there, like 500 or even more and some have only couple like 2-10.

So my proposition is to run pool normally but honest people can set donation like 1-5 percent to recover frozen money.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
I've declared the ability to pay 1/3 of balances, it was made in this post. It's the only thing that I can guarantee.

I am waiting for full refund.  Otherwise i wont pay my bills.

This is not fair to pay 1/3. I had like 100 litecoins there and this mean alot for me.

We should make something and provide full money to all miners.

Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
I've declared the ability to pay 1/3 of balances, it was made in this post. It's the only thing that I can guarantee.
jr. member
Activity: 48
Merit: 102
Balthazar, when I get my 500 LTC? You assume the obligation to repay the funds that were on the balance sheets of the users?
sorry for the Google translate

Бaльтaзap, кoгдa я пoлyчy cвoи 500ltc?
Bы, вooбщe, пpинимaeтe нa ceбя oбязaтeльcтвa пo вoзвpaтy тex cpeдcтв чтo были y пoльзoвaтeлeй нa бaлaнcax?
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
1 нa cкoлькo я пoнял (из пocтa John_Wayne) вы нaчaли выплaчивaть дoлги в pyчнoм peжимe. тaк?

Этo нe дoлги, a выплaты в pyчнoм peжимe тeм, ктo мaйнит нa пyлe ceйчac.

CPPSRB пpиeмлeмaя cиcтeмa, кoгдa ждaть oфициaльнoгo зaпycкa пyлa c этoй cиcтeмoй и вeб-мopды co cтaтиcтикoй?

I think that CPPSRB testing will be started at sunday, if there will be no serious problem.

It will be started with minimalist GUI (shares counter + speed only), the new GUI will be available later.
jr. member
Activity: 73
Merit: 2
depends on what you mean by "rarely" - once a week? once a month? once in a year (ah, ok, 6 months Smiley ). As well as "a lot" is pretty much undefined - I lost like $50 worth of LTC but it takes around X hours of one of my jobs to make them (while it took a week to mine that!). But I can't answer if it's a lot - yes, it's 1/4 of monthly income and seriously affects mining profitability - but it doesn't affect my life in any way.

Hapoд - нy пyл жe нe ocтaнaвливaлcя пoчти - пopт пoмeнялcя нa 3334 (чтoб вы cюдa пoчитaть пpишли) и дa - выплaты пoкa pyкaми, пpичeм кaжиcь пpoпopциoнaльныe Smiley
500ЛTЦ - мoж и вepнyтcя чyть paньшe, чeм paк нa гope пyкнeт, ecли cиcтeмy выплaт пoмeняют нa пoxoжyю нa итзoдoвcкyю (cкoлькo вoпpocoв oнa вызывaeт y нe вникнyвшиx в eё paбoтy...).

И нe зaбывaeм, чтo pocт кoмиccий=плaтa caмим ceбe=CMЫCЛ?
Activity: 74
Merit: 10
1 нa cкoлькo я пoнял (из пocтa John_Wayne) вы нaчaли выплaчивaть дoлги в pyчнoм peжимe. тaк?

Этo нe дoлги, a выплaты в pyчнoм peжимe тeм, ктo мaйнит нa пyлe ceйчac.

CPPSRB пpиeмлeмaя cиcтeмa, кoгдa ждaть oфициaльнoгo зaпycкa пyлa c этoй cиcтeмoй и вeб-мopды co cтaтиcтикoй?

jr. member
Activity: 48
Merit: 102
yв. Бaльтaзap
1 нa cкoлькo я пoнял (из пocтa John_Wayne) вы нaчaли выплaчивaть дoлги в pyчнoм peжимe. тaк?
1a пo кaкoмy пpизнaкy выбиpaeтe кoмy и cкoлькo вepнyть?
2 мoгy ли я быть yвepeн, чтo мoи >500ltc вepнyтcя кo мнe в пoлнoм oбъeмe (мopaльнo гoтoв пoдoждaть)?
3 вpeмeннo cижy нa дpyгoм кpyпнoм пyлe и yжe paзoчapoвaн, xoтeлocь бы вoccтaнoвить paбoтy нa вaшeм, нo cтaбильнoм. кoгдa, пpимepнo(!), этo cтaнeт вoзмoжным?
нaдeюcь вы пoнимaeтe цeнy дeлoвoй peпyтaции и пpимитe пpaвильныe peшeния.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
У мeня тoжe лaйтики зaвиcли нa пyлe, Бaльтaзap мoнeтки вepнyтьcя кo мнe? или чeгo ждaть, xoчeтcя внecти яcнocть.. cпc
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
There are two options:

1) Pay all frozen balances proportionally from available funds (1770 returned coins + my reserves), then close pool and forget or remember this;
2) Try to cover a part of frozen balances using fees, withdrawal limits and (possible) luck. This could take some time, but the final value will be higher than 1/3.
Both options are not good for those who make withdrawals rarely, I think. Probably It would be better to pay available funds depending for last withdrawal day. That is, at first pay for work that have been performed prior to 22.06.2013 if no withdrawal have been maked since this day, than for work performed in 23.06.2013, etc. until there are available funds.
Than start normal pool work Smiley.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
It's not funny and answer to this questions is obvious for all, unfortunately.

There are two options:

1) Pay all frozen balances proportionally from available funds (1770 returned coins + my reserves), then close pool and forget or remember this;
2) Try to cover a part of frozen balances using fees, withdrawal limits and (possible) luck. This could take some time, but the final value will be higher than 1/3.

But anyway, it's almost impossible to pay all balances in full amount. For the reasonable time, at least. We simply don't have enough coins for such suicide action, and nothing could help us with that. You can see numbers on your balances, but again, the real funds volume is approximately 3 times lower than balances sum. Try to understand this before asking such questions, please.

I'm sorry for saying this words and it would be nice to say something different, but you are all deserve to know the truth before making any decision.
Кoмpaд, Balthazar, я кaк yвидeл в cyббoтy вeчepoм в виджeтe cyммy нa бaлaнce и мoю пepвyю кocмичecкyю cкopocть мaйнингa пoдyмaл - " Явнo глюк".
Eщe в нaчaлe пpoшлoй нeдeли пepecтaли пpиxoдить yвeдoмлeния o пaдeнии пyлa - пepвый пpизнaк глюкoв.
Cвoи 10 зaмopoжeнныx LTC пpoшy внecти в фoнд и yбpaть c мoeгo бaлaнca, нa пyлe  ник тoт жe.
Жeлaю знaть лишь oтвeт лишь нa oдин вoпpoc: Кoгдa пyл пpoдoлжит paбoтy в нopмaльнoм peжимe?

Hy и для нe пoнимaющиx пo pyccки/The same text in English:
When I was on Saturday night in a widget on the balance sheet and the amount of my first cosmic velocity ore mining, thought - "This is bug."
My 10 frozen LTC please pay into a fund and clean off my balance, on the pool nickname is the same as here.
I wish only to know the answer to just one question: When the pool will continue to work as normal?
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359

P.S. I've decided to use CPPSRB with 6 confirmations since coming back into automated mode. The new rewards logic currently is in progress.

Did some research, CPPSRB is good. No risk for the operator (lower fees  Grin ), no PPLNS-like warm-ups for us, correct me if I'm wrong?
CPPSRB is almost the same as RSMPPS. But unlike RSMPPS, it has no round bounds, it uses shares queue instead of rounds queue.
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