Putting aside the validity of the assumption
that dividing a piece of object/property into smaller pieces may or may not be appealing or more affordable for people to buy, own or use, thus likely getting better value or prices over the short-term or long-term, why on this earth, on this cryptos world, is it absurd to split or reverse-split a stock? For whatever purpose. A stock or an equity is clearly indefinitely dividable into mini-shares-why don't you just divide them to sell them. Then, why an equity split happens all the times in this world. There are reasons.
A crypto is different?
We are not talking about feeding the monkeys, pandas, feeding the poor or sell Sears or Macy coupons.
Mangocoinz is
of the people, by the people and for the people; therefore, the opinion of quite a sizable proportion of MCZ miners, owners, users or investors alike are important to us.
For just this once I will lecture you in the subjects that you raise, since it is evident that you cannot be convinced no matter the amount of logical reason. Just this once:
1.- There's absolutely no correlation between crypto and any short of shares or stock markets. If nothing else -and there's PLENTY else-, for the simple reason that those markets are strictly regulated and crypto is not.
2.- The "whatever purpose" is a bit more complex than you think. You "divide them to sell them" is something that applies to some "expensive" stocks to a significant point: When you purchase (or sell) derivatives, those are packaged in lots of 100, therefore one needs to have quite a bit of cash invested to have, for instance, 100 shares of Google to be able to sell, for instance, covered calls. I'm sure you'll (eventually) get it...
3.- Mangocoinz is NOT "of the people, by the people and for the people". The common place is not only quite idiotic but completely out of place in this example since Mangocoinz belongs -more so than any other crypto-, to the people (the three devs) that control every aspect of it. There's absolutely nothing "democratic" about Mangocoinz. It's centralized and the three devs who created and control it can do with it whatever they choose to do. And, by the way, they did not create it "for the people" either, but for the people... who shakes their smart phones, who are the only ones that get it for free.
So, among many other opinions, yours are 100% wrong. On every single aspect. THAT, under normal circumstances, should prompt you to some reflection and re-evaluation... but I have the pretty solid idea that it isn't going to happen and, instead, we will all e "treated" to another barrage of idiotic ideas and visually unappealing fonts to go withy them.
I had to try it though. Just this once.