It's so hard to keep on track, I seriously believe that the more he trolls the higher the price goes. Somebody really should analyze the date and time of his posts, and watch the price on cryptsy. I mean seriously, every time this dude opens his mouth, it flat out POPS! lol...
We ran back through 0.00019 today.
(There is a nice segway back into productive forum conversation, right?)
Side thought: I wonder if Kimoto can designate a co-moderator for the thread to help "take out the trash" - not that I'm volunteering for the job, it'd just be nice I suppose. I'm not a simple-machines forum expert by any means, so I don't know what it allows.
Hazard trying to push the price down so he can scoop up more MEC!
I vote to leave Hazard's posts as it informs the noob of shill accounts (note the highlighter text for his website)
Why are you saying miners are profiting here from bagging their MEC since day 1?
I was able to buy almost 500K MEC week 1-3, who the fuck was selling me these if everyone was hording?
Also like the fact that most these scamcoins have devs who release the coin and never even maintain it or check if it needs adjusting (all hazard coins).
I believe it's a good thing seeing the release of Megacoin and where it is today (big change) we can look forward to the fact that kimoto will steadily maintain this coin and update it when needed.
Also you can lurk forums and never even have to sign up. There are also different aliases, otherwise someone like klee or hazard would stalk your posts, shitposting out of pure jealousy (as proven here, who would want that) (!)