When I found and reported a bug with the wdc retarget change at block 600,000, the dev was able to confirm it, fix it, test it, and deploy it before it became a disaster. More people looking at these changes before they go into effect is a good thing for the coin's evolution.
By your response, I assume you have not examined or even questioned how this update will work?
WDC is a basket case, and I'm sure they need your help.
If you really believe Kimoto doesn't know what he's doing, then your point is moot, isn't it? If you are able to just look at the code and tell us the exact results, you are way sharper than any programmer, developer, or rocket engine scientist I've ever met. I don't believe anything other than a smoke test will give absolute confirmation. I believe Kimoto said more than once that he has done extensive testing... I think it's safe to say that no one else knows exactly how this update will work.
If you are so brilliant, please share with us any better coin you have developed?