they are wrong ..simple as that ......! we pay for 70m tokens !!! this is not a market cap ...!! investors will share 70m tokens so divided by that amount you must calc need to be smart to understand it
Shhh, if they divide between 100 million we have .42 usd token - around 5400 MobileGo per btc
but if they divide between 70 million we have .6 usd token - around 3833 MobileGo per btc.
I hope they are not smart
The 100 million calculation is for marketcap. But you are all buying 70 million so it's valued based on that.
^this is what I was saying this morning, the point #5 post just got miss thought real quick and used 100 instead of 70 because it says the price of coins is determined with 100 yet 30 are reaerved which will naturally have the market value applied to them as well.
Is something wrong with the blockchain explorer?
I am having trouble seeing address balances in the blockchain explorer.
My GAME ICO contribution is failing to show up too.
The verified trans on dashboard might take all night but use another game explorer maybe, the one I used is weird, the other is spot on.
If you don't see the transaction on the chain on either explorer maybe contact support and try to troubleshoot everything you did. If it's just the transactions being too high and taking longer, then in glad I got my finals in with 24 hrs left