It was a great project for some time and could be still running smoothly if the developer doesn't disappear or handed over to the community when there was still time to do something.
RIP Masternodecoin - is the truth.
why do you want to see it die?
the developer is afk, mia, you dont know whats up.
and you dont help anyone by saying that its dead.
sure, you cant mine it, cant trade it and cant use it. but dead?
how about we switch to a tron dapp and merge with a great ecosystem?`
we could have a token that represents masternodecoin.
and another token that gets mined by freezing your masternodetokencoin.
this token then could be used to pay for vps, vpn, gambling and at partnerships we could archive if we would work together and not call a community dead because the coin has some problems with active development.