Description of Lotteries: Part 1For those helping with the testnet, here is what you are eligible for:
There will be a set of 3-4 lotteries for a deck of digital playing cards. There are only 53 cards total, each unique. The top lottery will have aces and other face cards. The second tier lottery will have some face cards and other high cards, and so on.
There is only one deck. There is only one 2 of clubs, etc. Each is a "colored" coin, which can be sent like any coin. They are there for trading and collectability. If Breakout Coin does as well as I think, they should be valuable at some point.
The image below shows my wallet that holds all the cards from the testnet, shortly after testnet launched. GUI slots only exist for 15 cards as it will be some time before any one person collects enough cards to test this limit.
When you receive a card, it will show in the GUI.
These cards are fully decentralized assets. They are essentially "colored coins" in the truest sense. To transfer one, you send it to a bitcoin-like address, just like any cryptocurrency.
More to come...
Looks like Multicurrency platform is beginning to demonstrate its potential.
1) Separation of the staking feature from the main coin;
2) Combination of PoS and PoW;
3) Now transmittance of decentralized assets.
Very promising!