PiggyCoin News Update 16th Oct 2014This is a general update, summarising the news since the last general update on
18th Sept.
ExchangesPiggyCoin has been delisted from Bittrex and SwissCEX due to a lack of trading volume.
We (including my own purchases) achieved the .7 BTC weekly volume that Bittrex required, and more, but Bittrex kept the warning up for days afterwards. Then they put up another delisting warning after a while. Then that passed, then another one. We couldn't really keep asking PiggyCoin supporters to try to keep the volume up there again, when it seems that they're just trying to shake people down for money.
I did contact Bittrex twice to assure them that we were active, but didn't get a response. Eventually we stopped monitoring the situation at Bittrex as it was an unwelcome distraction.
During the last delisting period, a PiggyCoin supporter who was present for some of the PiggyTeam's conversations, told us that he had himself just bought .8 BTC worth of PiggyCoin at Bittrex, so we didn't need to worry about the delisting. However, we were delisted, and of course the graphs are gone now too so we don't know what happened and why.
And now, during the last few days, Bittrex has announced
stricter guidelines for keeping coins listed.
Bittrex came within a hair's breadth of delisting
boolberry a month or two ago, and they'd surely have regretted that. Looks like PiggyCoin will have to teach them a lesson!
Our remaining exchange
Poloniex is one of the best exchanges anyway. Don't be afraid to give them your support, as they have supported PiggyCoin during this time ^(⌒(oo)⌒)^
Web walletThis is basically complete, and working in a test environment. We're just getting it running on a new server that we've bought.
There might be some downtime of our websites over the next few days as things are moved.
Existing holders of PiggyCoin web wallets will soon be e-mailed with instructions on how and where to log in to check and reclaim their balances, so keep an eye on your e-mail account, including your spam folder. Piggy's not spam! <('@')>
We're sorry we didn't get the web wallet up sooner. We wasted some time partly due to communication problems and working in different timezones. We are trying to mitigate this by using software to help us keep track of projects and issues.
Piggy powerPiggyCoin was added to
cryptofolio; well done piggies!
Next, let's try to get
Coin4Coin.net to add PiggyCoin! They're a service like an exchange, but they let you change between cryptocurrencies without needing to register or log in. They don't have voting, so please
tweet at them!
Let us know if you have any ideas about where we PiggyCoin supporters can target our piggy power in future =@)
Future plansHave you seen our
Roadmap? Thanks to richfinch for making it
DonationsSince the previous news update, we have received 99.99 PiggyCoins; thanks for that
Here are our donation addresses again:
Bitcoin: 123xQAU7og9iXKsKqP1s6S5bZUAHwNTK4T
Litecoin: LasLw34kC88esQMKXgfA7pNV8qQjUP35ff
BlackCoin: B9ucyu3v3q1cP6mzCzu72u5QzCvJLSUmNY
PiggyCoin: pmRT7N2iZm143DZQGa24FVfLfxFZfmHp2o