i have been mining quark again for a couple weeks and since the price has dropped a bunch on orders ive been paying attention a lil more to what im getting and where the order prices are.
at the moment im getting paid .2404 per gh/day but the lowest order with any speed connected to it is .2695 and thats on nicehash when im on westhash
the lowest on westhash with any speed is .2710.
i thought that the payout was an avg between the lowest and the highest orders to make it fair for all miners but why am i getting a payout lower than the lowest order? and not just a lil lower but a lot lower.
The currently paying value is always lagging behind for 1 minute, since we cannot predict payment for 1 minute in future.
What you see on order list are current orders, but what you see under "Currently paying" is what was being paid 1 minute ago.
yup thx for the reply i saw the issue watching a bit more
seems like the hashing spreads thru orders at times like for example
the last order with workers and speed attached to it was 13GH at .2710 and the workers was xx with about 12GH running on it
then a few min later the speed attached to it was about 5GH and workers didnt change but the rest of the speed was spread out thru the lower orders with no workers attached to the lower orders, so prolly just keeping ppl hashing
this was happening on both sides nice and west
so i dont know if it was a problem on his end or ur system doing something or him just reloading his order
hopefully something like this changes a bit in the future as it really lowers the payout avg for ur sellers
but it should change naturally, hopefully, when competition brings prices back up