I find that it takes about a half-hour to connect to nicehash, and even then, only some rigs do it. Right now, 15 of my 23 rigs are at nicehash, the other 8 are at the wafflepool. The only reason I have wafflepool is because after the other day when I upgrade to sgminer 5 I haven't been able to connect to Nicehash on startup, even if I use the 3xxx ports. I am looking at the X15 order book and there are plenty of orders with no miners, so it isn't that there isn't any room. They will be on wafflepool, and then magically the most profitable 4xxxx port shows up as alive. I dont' want to use Scrypt/Scrypt-N/Keccak configs. Here is an example conf:
"pools" : [
"url" : "stratum+tcp://r919.g56.rigs.eu.betarigs.com:4174",
"user" : "mrbobc-919",
"pass" : "x",
"algorithm" : "x13mod"
"name" : "Nicehash_X13",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:4337",
"user" : "1MmBUf6DKTQsNGBEyrsxrTFNCbCT1vtTEK",
"pass" : "f0=0;f2=0;f3=6;f4=4;f5=0;f6=3.5;f7=12",
"algorithm" : "x13mod"
"name" : "Nicehash_X11",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:4336",
"user" : "1MmBUf6DKTQsNGBEyrsxrTFNCbCT1vtTEK",
"pass" : "f0=0;f2=0;f3=6;f4=4;f5=0;f6=3.5;f7=12",
"algorithm" : "x11mod"
"name" : "Nicehash_X15",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:4339",
"user" : "1MmBUf6DKTQsNGBEyrsxrTFNCbCT1vtTEK",
"pass" : "f0=0;f2=0;f3=6;f4=4;f5=0;f6=3.5;f7=12",
"algorithm" : "bitblock"
"name" : "Nicehash_Nist5",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://stratum.nicehash.com:4340",
"user" : "1MmBUf6DKTQsNGBEyrsxrTFNCbCT1vtTEK",
"pass" : "f0=0;f2=0;f3=6;f4=4;f5=0;f6=3.5;f7=12",
"algorithm" : "nist5"
"name" : "Wafflepool_X11",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://useast.wafflepool.com:3331",
"user" : "1MmBUf6DKTQsNGBEyrsxrTFNCbCT1vtTEK",
"pass" : "x",
"algorithm" : "x11mod"
"intensity" : "16",
"worksize" : "256",
"thread-concurrency" : "12239",
"gpu-threads" : "2",
"gpu-engine" : "1150",
"gpu-memclock" : "1425",
"failover-only" : true,
"no-pool-disable" : true,
"api-network" : true,
"api-listen" : true,
"api-port" : "4028",
"gpu-powertune" : "20"
Anything wrong with the conf? Anyone else having this issue? For example right now I have 4 of 23 rigs connected to the X15 4339 port on Nicehash, but it's dead on all the others. Nicehash admin, what's up with this? Based on these other comments, I don't think it's me, I think it's a connection issue on the nicehash side. I didn't have this problem last week, not until X15/Nist5 got added.