So in the FAQ's it states that the fee for using the service is 2% yet I was deducted 2.49 percent for opening an order. my math wrong? Explanation?
You forgot to take into account the small order submission fee of 0.0005 BTC (explained here:
Let's go through an example of 1 BTC worth order:
Date UTC TXID Address Amount BTC Confirmations
2014-04-20 14:30:01 Comment: Fee order #xxx - 0.02049
2014-04-20 14:30:00 Comment: Payment order #xxx - 0.97951
The first line displays sum of all fees (one-time order-submit fee and 2% service fee)
The second line displays amount that was used to pay for your shares.
So the total amount of your order is SUM from these two lines.
1 - 0.0005 one-time order-submit fee = 0.9995 (amount after order submission)
0.9995 - 2% service fee (0.01999) = 0.97951 (payed for your shares)
0.0005 + 0.01999 = 0.02049 (total fees)
I hope this clarifies your case.
Thank you for using NiceHash!