So much butthurt over 1 BTC
A person half as smart as comeonwhatshisorhername pretends to be would have made that much in less time than it took to come up with this little blackmail scheme (look, that word again, call CRA quick, BTW is blackmail income taxable?). But then again, where's the fun in that.
I'm just framing the stuff below for future reference. Maybe for blackmail
Several days ago I was investigating this idle bug to satisfy my own curiosity and offered to provide the fix to you for free if I found it. I found and fixed it two days ago, but you had already hired someone else to do the work instead, so obviously I can no longer give it away for nothing. Today, that person contacted me for some information about the bug, so I assume he has not yet found it. I have no doubt that he or someone else eventually will, but how long it will take is anyone's guess, as it is nested pretty deeply in the muck.
I offered the fix to you for a token amount -- a quarter of what you were paying him -- and also to send the fix in advance of payment for verification, but you declined. So how long it remains a work in progress is really up to you...
Great work on the extranonce protocol extension by the way.
We (all three of us) are apparently a stubborn lot.
Nicehash currently has more orders than it can fill. At 4% rake and 6.2 BTC/GH/Day, if miners with only 1GH/s worth of scrypt hashpower alone are staying away because of this idle bug, then that equates to approximately 0.25 BTC per day lost in incremental revenue. As two days have gone by, that makes approximately 0.5 BTC potentially lost. Tomorrow will make 0.75 BTC if the fix is not found. There have been repeated posts here from miners who are experiencing this problem stating that they can not use nicehash again until it is addressed. And when you do solve the problem, you might just land a mega-miner. Who is in charge of making the financial decisions there?
Your solution is partially effective but you are foolish to just give it away. The hired developer will earn a profit from using your hack (1 BTC), and you will get nothing (0 BTC). Not one person here is mining for free regardless of what they claim, and each will eventually stop mining when they deem it unprofitable as cryptocoins have no intrinsic value whatsoever.
When nicehash grows to 20GH/s, they will be using your work to earn approximately 5 BTC in fees daily, meanwhile you have earned nothing from being smarter than them. But is giving it to them for free really that smart in retrospect? I think not.
You had usable workaround, you had an advantage as a miner, you had leverage over nicehash, and you gave it all away for nothing, presumably because you have some sort of desperate need for approval by strangers on the internet -- some of whom will appease you by telling you how great you are, but only because you just handed out your profits to them. I'll give you my btc address and if you send me some btc, I'll tell you that you're great too.
If this "patch" works well, we will not forget about you phzi. I promise you that.
That's right... He will not forget what a fool you were to give it up for nothing.
I offered a comprehensive fix to him for less than what nicehash lost in potential incremental revenue over the last three days and he was too stubborn to make an intelligent business decision, so he too is a fool for not having accepted the deal. And by insulting him right now, I am implanting in him the urge to send a token payment to you for having providing a workaround, simply to 'punish' me for being a capitalist -- which he is himself! You're welcome.
As for the problem with idle miners - I have not observed failed auths in these cases. I see the pool accepting the auth request with p=, but not being able to provide work. This seems to occur when there are jobs at the desired profitability, but those jobs are already maxed on miner (no slots available). The pool keeps the connection open and allows the auth innappropriately. If I set p high enough that no jobs are available (full or not), this doesn't happen.
My patch is hacky and I don't plan to publish it. Besides, right now it is giving me an advantage... why would I share when you have made this system competitive instead of fair/proportional?
And what exactly happened between then and now? If you had this hacky fix, then why did you not provide it to nicehash earlier?
Why change your mind now? Did you fall deeper into depression, needing more attention from strangers to help bring you out of it?
Why would you even need a fix since all you do is stare at your miners all day anyway?
What happens in a few days when you are feeling depressed again? Will you repeat the cycle?
I felt sorry for you, and naturally I wanted to help someone less fortunate as I thought it cost me nothing to do so. But it turns out you're right after all. To educate you is to diminish my advantage over you. I won't make that mistake again.
Clearly you are an internet parrot -- and one who will attempt to abruptly change the subject in order to help deflect attention from the fact that he did not properly understand the definition of blackmail after erroneously accusing me of such.
Ross, look what I found. Are you properly reporting all of your income from cryptocoin mining and trading activities? Better hope you are, because I know what agency is getting your contact information! Good luck with that... no, this is not blackmail either because I don't want anything in return for not providing this information to the Canada Revenue Agency. There is a price for everything in this world.