You download movies to watch or you stream movies?
Download blurays, usually around 10GB mkv's. Watch them in dolby digital or dts using mediaplayer classic. I have a 5 speaker setup just for this.
I'll have a look into what you mentioned before about DTS and the current existing support for it within the browser.
My understanding is that currently there's a central website and a central database with the meta data aboutthe files.
SoonTM - no, I mean soon for real! - there will be a blockchain which carries meta data in transactions and a wallet that can parse the meta data and serve it to a web server.
Once that's implemented, both the files and the information about them are decentralized.
That web server operator might or might not follow DMCA (or other copyright holder) requests depending on the legal situation of the web server and the operator, respectively.
This is correct, in early April I'm estimating we'll have started development on Novusphere full nodes.
As a temporary solution the information will be stored on the temporary" issued blockchain until Novusphere is developed into a fully fledged blockchain and ledger. The Novusphere node will be joined to a self-hosted database where it is then able to store the metadata to be queried and filtered as well as joined to self-hosted web server. If you've ever used the IPFS web UI that's along the lines of what you should expect the web UI of the Novusphere node to feel like otherwise if you want there's always pure command line interface. One part of the web server asides from the wallet interface is of course the gateway which you can choose to make public for others to use as well. We will be hosting our own for community use. Since you can either choose to keep your gateway private or public, you are the one who decides what rules your gateway plays by, we have no control over that. The only thing we have control over is our own gateway which will follow legal standards.