I've got a real strange problem using my wallet (cli only, no gui). I've transfered 1001 NYX to setup a masternode. I collected the amount from several transactions on wallet-address #1. Then trying to transfer it to mn1-target address (same wallet) I've tried using:
$> nyx-cli sendtoaddress "[mn1 address]" 1001.00 "mn1 deposit"
Note... I know it should be 1000.00 but in many places it's mentioned to use +1 NYX for transaction fee.
whereas "mn1 deposit" was ment as comment as the syntax of cli show me up:
> sendtoaddress "nyxaddress" amount ( "comment" "comment-to" subtractfeefromamount use_is use_ps )
Surprisingly I've noticed my account "" had negative balance now. Weird and wrong. As I've thought the faulty transaction would not work anyway I've done it right looking again for the right command:
$> sendfrom "0" "[mn1 address]" 1001.00
Again surprised... now my mn1 shows up a balance of 2002.00 absolutely wrong!!!
I've decided to recover back to first place using "move" command:
$> move "mn1" "0" 1001.00
In the end my wallet ends up this... looking like I've lost 1001.00 NYX!??
$> nyx-cli listaccounts
"": -0.01001269,
"0": 0.00000000,
"mining": 0.00000000,
"mn1": 0.01001269
$> nyx-cli getbalance
I already tried to dump all address private key, purge wallet.dat, delete blockchain and started from scratch... but anyway I'm ending up there again...
The most strange thing is the last transaction shown by nyx-cli listtransactions:
"account": "",
"address": "NWvZ*********************************",
"category": "send",
"amount": -0.01000897,
"vout": 0,
"fee": 1000.99999628, WTF "confirmations": 52,
"instantlock": false,
"blockhash": "000000000aae7d******************************************",
"blockindex": 13,
"blocktime": 1528287514,
"txid": "64f85ee6553ca4e4**********************************************",
"walletconflicts": [
"time": 1528287514,
"timereceived": 1528292366,
"bip125-replaceable": "no",
"abandoned": false
Any help?
If the coins are really gone I'm done with NYXCOIN as this is real crappy.And just to mention... I already set-up to other masternodes without such problems.