All right, do you think that it´ll be able to trade at a higher bid than Litecoin´s lowest denomination in the next years? And why this artificial LTC floor? Which of course is a benchmark for trading against stuff like HTML5, DOGE et al. In my opinion HTML5 is more suitable as a floor since there are "only" like 50 Londoncoins to one HTML5 in this trading as compared to a 100 million London to one Litecoin.
Ah so Jagrapolite5 and his HTML5 gang put you up to this then? Just because I'm not under his thumb here comes the bashing?
What a SAD way for Html5coin to conduct operations, I used to have more faith in it.
Addressing your current comment I would never use HTML5coin as a floor, considering the coin has problems and no one around to fix them. The value is a pseudo value. Haven't you seen it plummeting? Not to mention the fact that its PoS side is "god only knows", no testnet has ever been run or miniclone created to check to make sure it works and then no dev?.... Um....
Anyway if your done harrassing the users on this thread and myself I'd like to ask you to leave.
Value of this coin will go up with further development and integration
To say otherwise is just ignorant, who cares what the value is now? What matters is what it becomes...
Obviously you weren't seeing it ever hit 2 and 3 liteoshi... Maybe you should look harder