This is the FAIR distribution (100% proof of stake) that the Nxt folks are so proud of:
170486123 <--- 170 million Nxt
Looks like 9 guys have a lot of stake.
170 mega account didn't belong to anyone, it was used for unclaimed coins, they were being given to their owners till 3 January.
This is a real and fair Nxt distribution, do not listen to his liar.

Quite, and NXT holdings are of course passing into new hands all the time as earlier holders prudently trim. Also, many large accounts are not forging either due to perceived risk of key exposure - hence they are not hording more and more either. No debate here.
Well I dont like communist party but table above should be a joke???
By fair distribution I mean something that is MUCH more proportional distributed!!!!!...... If 30% of wealth is owned by 0.0001 or 0.01% - is not it the same?

people should use common sense.I am not saying that everyone should have the same amount but this is not fair at all in my opinion. I am not saying it is bad or good but it is not proportional.......
Maybe if 10% of coin whould have 1% or 0.5% of people... but table above is just saying anything else than a proportional distribution
table above is just showing that NXt after only 2 months is already more distributed than bitcoin is after 5 years.
do you see ppl complaining aboput how polarized the distribution of bitcoin is ? and any new coins in bitcoin can only only go to uber farmers. only way in is a at super premium...and only the rich can get in.
in Litecoin and Peercoin - 30% of all coins are owned by the top 30 wallets
in Bitcoin 30% of all bitcoins are in the hands of 50 wallets.
in Nxt 30% of all nxt are in the hands of about 200+ wallets....
in other words if you want to complain about Nxt current distribution you should complain about all of the major coins distributions which are toatally polarized even after years incirculation.