
Topic: [ANN] [OFFER] Nxt to NEX - Exchange one Nxt to 50 NEX coins - LIMITED! - page 20. (Read 41256 times)

hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 1001
Yeah, appears......still only got 3 actual people for ya.
And I am kinda dubious about a couple of them......

Still, gotta love this quote:

I believe I stated this earlier,  the proceeds of this sale will be unloaded in the open market in exchange for BTC.

This BTC will be used to continue to fund development.

This is the war chest that will be use to battle for dominance over NXT.

That's soooooooo macho...
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!
5000, OOO
1000, romawi
10000, garicup
10000, nomailing
20000, canth <--- exceeds limit
10000, chetalk
3000, kolbas
10000, teco051
10000, bitular
8000, indigon
4000, homerzhu
2000, nfigueir
5000, tobyliciously
10000, atomiclock
1000, hvezdasmrti
10000, smophf7
10000, ow48uh
10000, rioshock2
1000, fragout
10000, sottymax
4000, LeFiste
10000, soarlyzed
10000, snipedrunk
2000, Swisscoin
5000, dannac
10000, fibbonac1z
10000, vemdoctor9
5000, Siegtal81
5000 irrawaddybtc
10000 Franconomasky
2000 cntrlsquare
10000 Jaguar0625
5000 NapoBear
10000 tylenol3mit
6000 dlog
1000 toolatetoberich?
2465 eXme
10000 miramare
1000 langkeming
1000 steyast012
1100 alrose
7000 bitfromit
1000 icoinv
4000 lenco
1000 Msile
10000 ripplebtc
10000 cremstopper
10000 jajansen
2683  lonesoul
5000 zurra
5000 td services
10000 lda1000
  7000 SyRenity
10000 wallacemckart 

350,000 total <-- 35% of Limit
Limit is 1,000,000 NXT
Limit 10,000 NXT per User
Amounts under 1000 NXT not listed here but will be included

Appears to be around 100,000 NXT commitments per day. This will likely close in 7 days. So don't forget to make your reservation.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0

I (for one) will send funds when we see NEXus is awesome!

Keep up the great work FrictionlessCoin!
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 1001

More like the guy at Honest Joes Used Pinto dealership, u're so not selling Teslas.

And I'm genuinely curious about the human/sock puppet ratio here.
No humans so far, bro.

Maybe it did not occur to you, Mr. Evil,  that the most of the sock puppets here are the Nxt zealots.  Check out their profiles.

It totally occured to me, so I'm actually doing u a favour by weeding out the "NXT zealot" suck poppets on your investment list for u. They're only winding u up by promising funds that u will never any bounties for the help to my BTC or NXT, don't care which.
hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 1001
I cruised online to get sexed,
with a wallet stuffed full of NXT
I found a hot honey,
to take all my money,
but when she got NXT she got vexed!

LOL + ROFL , human nr 2

hero member
Activity: 854
Merit: 1001

Write a short poem (limerick/haiku/sonnet/whatever) in your native language, whatever that may be, then post it here.
4 or 5 lines is more than enough.

Everyone who gets a poem together and posts it, is probably a really real person.

More like the guy at Honest Joes Used Pinto dealership, u're so not selling Teslas.

And I'm genuinely curious about the human/sock puppet ratio here.
No humans so far, bro.

Why I waste my time
Writing shitty poems for
EvilDave. Fuck off please.

Sweet, bang on 17.
Nice work.
I hereby appoint u human.

Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!
And so, 1'000'000 NXT to you // for giving 5% of NEX  (why not PoB?)

These NEX are in fact, NIC.
NIC generate NIC slowly

or NIC can be burn to get NEC, which generate NIC faster.

How the hell do you limit your max number of NEX=NIC to 100% ?
Read twice, seen nothing about the 95%

Not clear at all...

edit: thanks for the link, gonna read.
Is the 95% are given for free? (then why paying a lot for 5%?)

NEX are NIC (correct)... think of it like a bank.  low interest rate, low risk.

You invest on NEC (think of it like a company or bank).   Higher interest rate.   More expensive.  Not tradeable.

We still have to work out the exact numbers to get the economic balance correct.   Anyway, we can implement it first and plug in the numbers before we release.  We'll need to do some simulations.

You are correct, it is not 100% proof of stake.  It is a hybrid proof of stake/ proof of burn.  

The 5% distribution here refers to the initial distribution.  
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
I would like to invest 1000 Nxt
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Help and Love one another ♥
And so, 1'000'000 NXT to you // for giving 5% of NEX  (why not PoB?)

These NEX are in fact, NIC.
NIC generate NIC slowly

or NIC can be burn to get NEC, which generate NIC faster.

How the hell do you limit your max number of NEX=NIC to 100% ?
Read twice, seen nothing about the 95%

Not clear at all...

edit: thanks for the link, gonna read.
Is the 95% are given for free? (then why paying a lot for 5%?)
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!

Oh, so it's not as simple as that? I'm interest you know Roll Eyes

And which other thread? I see none other about this project.

Here is the thread I mentioned: 

Signify your interest by posting, we will tally the posts and distribute the coins for free.
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!

Hey FrictionlessCoin (or Carlos Perez, or whatever) have you finally prepared an answer?

FrictionlessCoin is the entity (soon to be incorporated)....

Okay... so have you registered interest in participating in the exchange?

If not, then find somewhere else to troll.  

This thread is for people who are interested in exchanging their Nxt for NEX.  Please use the other thread.

The question is only relevant for people who want to buy NEX with NXT.

So that's the good thread, right?

And this probably means you still got no answer...
(Sad, sad, sad, but don't worry I will ask again later.)

I believe I stated this earlier,  the proceeds of this sale will be unloaded in the open market in exchange for BTC.

This BTC will be used to continue to fund development.

This is the war chest that will be use to battle for dominance over NXT.  
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Help and Love one another ♥
You're asking people to give you 1'000'000 NXT in exchange of 5% of NEX,
which currently doesn't even exist.

And just made a quick copypast of Level Coin, in order to stay very blurry about the distribution of the other 95%....

You automatically get a percentage of NEX if you show interest.
Nice. I hereby declare that I'm interested.

Please try the other thread.
This is the NXT exchange thread.
Thank You!
Oh, so it's not as simple as that? I'm interest you know Roll Eyes

And which other thread? I see none other about this project.
hero member
Activity: 756
Merit: 502
Activity: 1181
Merit: 1002

Hey FrictionlessCoin (or Carlos Perez, or whatever) have you finally prepared an answer?

FrictionlessCoin is the entity (soon to be incorporated)....

Okay... so have you registered interest in participating in the exchange?

If not, then find somewhere else to troll. 

This thread is for people who are interested in exchanging their Nxt for NEX.  Please use the other thread.

The question is only relevant for people who want to buy NEX with NXT.

So that's the good thread, right?

And this probably means you still got no answer...
(Sad, sad, sad, but don't worry I will ask again later.)
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!

Hey FrictionlessCoin (or Carlos Perez, or whatever) have you finally prepared an answer?

FrictionlessCoin is the entity (soon to be incorporated)....

Okay... so have you registered interest in participating in the exchange?

If not, then find somewhere else to troll. 

This thread is for people who are interested in exchanging their Nxt for NEX.  Please use the other thread.
Activity: 1181
Merit: 1002
Great then let them destroy their NXT by sending the coins to the genesis account!
You get proof of the transaction and can issue NEX accordingly!

But don't put NXT with a market value of several thousand dollars in you pocket!

Do you honestly believe I will keep the NXT that would be received from this?

Of course not, you will cash out (most) of the one million NXT you hope to receive

Again: Let people destroy their NXT for NEX if you really believe they are worthless.

yup... you got it... cash out 1 million Nxt.  You have a problem with that?

Getting nervous sweetie? Wall of lies ("this coin is free and fair blablabla") breaking apart?

Be honest you want to be paid in NXT, that is all you want because you believe NXT is very valuable!!!

Again: Let people destroy their NXT for NEX if you really believe they are worthless.

Hey FrictionlessCoin (or Carlos Perez, or whatever) have you finally prepared an answer?

Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!
I just realized something...

most of the coins that have been well received by the market don't have anonymous creators (except bitcoin).

Litecoin - Charles Lee
PPC, PrimeCoin - Sunny Lee
DogeCoin - Billy Markus
FeatherCoin- Peter Bushnell
MasterCoin - J.R. Willet

the suspicious one always have an unknown author....

so... in the spirit of openess... I declare.

NEX - Carlos Perez

Which again in stark contrast  the creator of Nxt will forever remain anonymous.

Okay... we have a real person behind NEX!

Thank you for stepping up into the spotlight!
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
I just realized something...

most of the coins that have been well received by the market don't have anonymous creators (except bitcoin).

Litecoin - Charles Lee
PPC, PrimeCoin - Sunny Lee
DogeCoin - Billy Markus
FeatherCoin- Peter Bushnell
MasterCoin - J.R. Willet

the suspicious one always have an unknown author....

so... in the spirit of openess... I declare.

NEX - Carlos Perez

Which again in stark contrast  the creator of Nxt will forever remain anonymous.
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!

More like the guy at Honest Joes Used Pinto dealership, u're so not selling Teslas.

And I'm genuinely curious about the human/sock puppet ratio here.
No humans so far, bro.

Maybe it did not occur to you, Mr. Evil,  that the most of the sock puppets here are the Nxt zealots.  Check out their profiles.
Activity: 868
Merit: 1000 - Get paid for every post!
I cruised online to get sexed,
with a wallet stuffed full of NXT
I found a hot honey,
to take all my money,
but when she got NXT she got vexed!

Ha ha!
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