Their product can be so much more than just that. And thats what people want to invest in. In a vision, a dream. Stop destroying peoples invest with this shitty website and take it off the net today. Also Oyster has been crashing ever since the website (before the whole market crash).
I really thought this is a great team at Oyster and they will build something great. Adapt old ideas and find ways that work. Like the few superstars. But this website makes me doubt them a lot. What good company would put such a shit site up ? People dont want another "we fix advertising" scam company they want a VISION for new ways to live our lifes in the future. The old website conveyed that.
The Oyster product might be used for much bigger things than just fixing advertising. Who even cares to fix advertising when two thirds of the world use adblockers? Its like Oyster had the whole world open to take and they rather focused on their toilet. END THIS MADNESS NOW.
The thing is that for all websites that do not offer services the ads are the only income they have - think about blogs, news portals, etc. Yes, ads are annoying and take a lot of resources to load - in fact, for some sites they make up 90% of the total loading time). When users started to no longer recognize ads, the advertising teams came up with new ways (huge overlays, etc) and people started to use ad blockers. So yes, I can tell that there are a lot of people that care about "fix advertising".
When websites can generate revenue with a small percentage of CPU of the user (which might have even less effect than all the JS code that needs to load to display ads), both parties will benefit. The only ones that don't are the companies that offer advertising.