Okay, I just started looking into this project and find it interesting.
I have a background in media and well aware of the problems Bruno is hoping to address here. I have some questions
1) Most people are not tech savvy and cyber hacks and news of such hacks will only gain more media attention. I think many consumers when asked to lease some CPU will be very nervous to do so. Many will think it makes their data vulnerable. Curious as to how the project will address this issue?
2). If consumers allow sites to use their CPU and then the consumers device gets hacked they will automatically think PRL is the cause. Even if the cause of the hack is unrelated to PRL, it is not a big stretch to think the consumer will think PRL is to blame. This will cause bad publicity and the legal ramifications for the content site involved could be enough to scare users and content providers away. Does PRL address this concern?
3). What system does PRl have in place to sign up content providers?
4). What stops others offering similar service to PRL. In other words how high are the barriers to entry?
5). What happens to PRL if IOTA runs into technical roadblocks?
Thanks everyone. Very interesting project.