If you have an older client...
Latest build: 1.2-beta3
https://github.com/palmd/philosopherstonewin32 QT (this QT contains the error reporting correction)
Recommended Directions for upgrading:
Windows default directory: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Philosopherstone(If from 1.2-beta1 and full chain, simply run the new 1.2-beta3 client, done!)
from old 1.2,1.1, ole "el diablo 6084 de muerte", or 'el nino Coinupcabra 9346' (very very important to delete all the bad first)
1.Make sure client is not running. If you just closed it wait at 60 seconds for it to shutdown entirely.
2.Backup wallet.dat file (copy elsewhere) from your Philosopherstone directory, this file is the one that matters.
3.Delete all files/folders inside your Philosopherstone directory except wallet.dat and philosopherstone.conf, you can keep but better to delete peers.dat
4.Then run the new 1.2-beta3 client and keep an eye on the progress as it downloads the new chain.
5.If you see coins appear and reappear and other oddities, this can be normal, don't panic.
6.If the client hangs for a long time (more than 10-15 minutes or a typical computer) start over at #1
6.It's possible to gain or lose coins during this process. This is the healing process
7.Hopefully you have now joined the rest of the good and can again be a productive member of the network