When Pigeoncoin's founding team stepped down, I proposed the idea to the Pigeoncoin community on discord of using masternodes to build a decentralized social network. Practically immediately after this idea was proposed, there was noticeable interest in it from the community and a new lead developer was motivated to join the team. Many remnants from the old team lined up behind the idea including the founder and creator of the x16s algorithm. There hasn't been much progress since then, though, as things have been moving awfully slow. It's that reason that I am creating what will be called the Flamingo Protocol, or the Flamingo Social Protocol. It is my intention to have it implemented on Pigeoncoin blockchain and serve to fulfill the idea of a decentralized social network built atop masternodes.
If you have interest and passion for ideas that expand human freedom through decentralized cryptography, and want to obsolete Big Social with us, stop by and hang out:
https://discord.gg/qnxmHcMP.S. If you own any PGN you might also want to keep your finger on the pulse of the Flamingo Protocol discord.
https://discord.gg/qnxmHcMReally? ...
So you decided to use a new fresh profile to do this with ONE post AND expect people to take this seriously? Come on mate!
Anyone from the PGN discord will know me and I am listed in the OP as a representative, too. I have been a member of the community from the start, just not here on bitcointalk.
OK Kool ...
So what do you seriously propose for PGN? All that has been stated earlier is simple enough, though you want to push forward with a coin that was in reference to the MGT CodeBase back when MGT was one of the hottest mining coins? It would take a lot more than just a push in the right direction as I see it, and I can see you know this also. What is it you really need to get going, and what is it that should be achieved by all this effort, that many many MANY other coins have already done?
Not an attack here. I am seriously intrigued by what you are aiming at here.
Tomorrow I will be publishing the introductory paper for the Flamingo Social Protocol and I will share the link in this thread, too. Here's a snippet from the rough draft that I've been sharing:
The masternode protocol was chosen as the platform to build the flamingo protocol on top of. It is an ideal candidate for a number of reasons but mainly because there is a need to encourage the nodes storing the encrypted social data for the end users to be available 24/7. Masternode collateral is also used to provide simple currency services like performing coinjoins to provide some privacy of end-users of the currency. A new function will be added to masternodes which will provide storage for social data on the network. We will continue to refer to these as masternodes, but they will have noticeable differences for those accustomed to operating masternodes.
First, flamingo masternodes will have a relatively low coin count at 250,000 required to run a node. For every masternode, there must be a 10GB partition dedicated to that node. To put this into perspective, at the time of writing, the network would be able to serve a theoretical max of 60TB of storage and adding about 144GB to that total everyday. The storage requirements may change depending on community and network demand, but the coin collateral amount should never be changed, especially to try and react to temporary economic factors.
Another difference from traditional masternodes is you can run as many masternodes on a single daemon as you are capable of with your hardware. This drastically tips the scales of running a node in favor of the operator compared to traditional masternodes where each node will need a separate VPS. Only a single daemon will be necessary for all of your Flamingo protocol masternodes. There are legitimate concerns with other masternode networks having a concentration of masternodes on a single server, but our unique use case is not effected by them. With our low collateral amount, we are encouraging operators to run multiple nodes on their masternode server.
And as I said there are numerous other questions and ideas being discussed on our new discord here:
https://discord.gg/qnxmHcMI am at a loss for what MGT codebase has to do with Pigeoncoin, so I have glossed over that part. Sorry.