The latest update from Jarrod Dicker - CEO of Po.etThis one will be short and sweet.
Over the past few weeks, we've stressed the importance of value. That all content (ideas!) should be secure on the blockchain, with control and opportunity in the hands of the creator. Our goal is not just to maximize the usage of the platform but to be a proof of value for all creators to understand and take advantage of this era of ownership. We are facilitating the evolution of web 3.0.
We’re really busy building, the technology company. And being a technology company means that everything we build and ship must be ready for mass consumption at scale. Over the past months, we have pushed new products (Frost), brokered new partnerships (, and set the stage for the future of the platform (see: And the core team is just getting started.
So... what are we working on now?
Eric Elliott, our VP of engineering, is scaling our technical stack and systems at incredible speed. engineering is recruiting, on-boarding and setting course for the next phase of the platform, bringing in the best talent from around the world to continue to strengthen our offering. We will be announcing the new hires over the next couple weeks.
David Turner, our head of product, is detailing our roadmap to make sure that we’re smart and agile with our upcoming releases. This includes licensing (aka marketplace), token use, new features and everything in between. Since David joined, he has been head down finalizing these details to make sure that everything we ship helps strengthen the future of the platform. We will be giving updates on the next wave of releases shortly.
As for me, I'm everywhere. We had an incredible presence at the Forbes event last week, and even had members of the community in the crowd (the best community, btw). Much of my efforts now are finding the right strategic technical partners to help strengthen's platform, both in terms of volume and in terms of features., in its core, is accessible to everyone. It will always be that way. Having the entry layer and the value layer is something we strive form to enable a community of creators to have the opportunity to own their ideas, and the opportunity to leverage tokens to strengthen it and take it further, That is why we built the Frost API and why we continue to build technologies that hook into creator tools to give all thinkers the opportunity to own their content on the blockchain. will be the bridge that gets creators to an access layer that proves the value of immutability and reputation. Our initial partners will believe in that mission as well, and those conversations are well underway.
I said this would be short and sweet so I'm going to end it here. I like to always give an update on Tuesday. Last week we broke down our vision, and this week and the following we're working towards strengthening our core and shipping new products. I know this community is excited, and wants to see updates constantly. We do too, and want to make sure that these updates are worth talking about. These will come from myself, David, Eric and the rest of the team.
We're excited to constantly keep you updated, and as always, please reach out with your ideas, thoughts and questions.