
Topic: [ANN] Poseidon - Empowering people to save the planet with every purchase - page 2. (Read 19495 times)

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Activity: 228
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The World’s First Mammal to Go Extinct Due to Climate Change

Australia has revealed that one of their animals has become the world’s first mammal to be extinct due to "human-induced climate change”.

The “Bramble Cay Melomys”, as they were known, have become extinct due to ocean inundation from rising sea levels over the past decade, which led to dramatic habitat loss.

This terrible discovery proves that if temperatures continue to rise, nearly 8% of all species worldwide could become extinct. We can’t take this lightly and we can’t wait any longer. Let’s take action now with Poseidon.

Learn how:
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Your Impact on the Environment At Your Fingertips

Imagine being able to check the impact that your lifestyle has on the environment the same way you might check your bank balance.

This is our vision! Poseidon will allow you to track your impact using blockchain technology so you can always take the right action in favor of the planet.

The world is at your fingertips, let’s change it for the better!
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Chasing the Next Horizon

What’s next with Poseidon? We are focusing all of our efforts on the development of the reduce platform, client onboarding and revenue growth.

This means that we are canceling the remaining public fundraises in order to move forward with the rest of our work.

“This is an exciting time for the Poseidon team, our clients, and our partners. For any young organization, growth is a balancing act. We’ve worked hard over the past 21 months to put ourselves into a position to scale our offering globally and empower everyone to address their social and environmental impacts. Transitioning away from crowdfunding is a clear indication that we’re ready for that next step.” - Laszlo Giricz, Poseidon’s founder and CEO.
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Fight Climate Change with VIVOBAREFOOT!

Imagine if you could fight climate change just by putting on your shoes. This is not a fantasy, VIVOBAREFOOT is making it a reality!

How does it work? Since December, they have integrated the reduce platform directly into their point-of-sale systems, which means that their company is rebalancing every shoe purchase in real time on the blockchain.

Give back to the planet while buying your favorite shoes. Discover more about our partnership:
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Control Your Impact with Poseidon

How can businesses prove that their 'offsetting' efforts in favor of the environment are actually having the impact they need?

Unfortunately, there is no central office that has control over this, which makes many businesses hesitant to support climate positive projects.

The solution is here! Poseidon is bringing blockchain into the mix to create a global and immutable public record that tracks the whole offset lifecycle from beginning to end.

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copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Top 5 Endangered Animals - Amur Leopard

It’s time to reveal the Most Endangered Animal of the Top 5: The Amur Leopard.

This beautiful creature has been classified as Critically Endangered with less than 70 individuals thought to exist today. They are hunted and killed for their fur and their habitat is being destroyed because of human practices.

As you can guess, these animals need protection, just like every animal on our list. We will give you a tool to contribute to projects that will help conserve these species and the planet as a whole. The final decision is yours!

Our actions don’t work… if the planet doesn’t work.
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Top 5 Endangered Animals - Gorillas

We’re reaching the top of the Most Endangered Animals. Who would've guessed the Number 2 on the list: Gorillas.

Unfortunately, two out of five gorilla subspecies are currently classified as Critically Endangered and Endangered by the IUCN since 1996. There are only 200-300 Cross River Gorillas left in the wild, and 900 Mountain Gorillas.

The jungle wouldn’t be the same without them, that’s why we have to do something about it. Poseidon aims to encourage everyday people to give back to the planet with every purchase and help the environment.

Tomorrow we’ll reveal the Number 1 spot of the list. Stay tuned!

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copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Top 5 Endangered Animals - Sea Turtles

Another surprising addition to the list of most endangered species in the world is the Sea Turtle. Can you imagine a world without them?

The Hawksbill Turtle has lost 90% of its entire population, 80% percent of which has been lost in the past 10 years, giving it the Number 3 spot on this list.
Our ecosystems are constantly deteriorating because of human intervention and climate change, which affects the animals. We can’t stay with our arms crossed while this happens.

The 'reduce' platform will be the key to stop this!
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Top 5 Endangered Animals - The Orangutan

Following the list of endangered animals in the world we have arrived at Number 4: The Orangutan.

This species has lost approximately 80% of its population in the past 75 years mainly as a result of mass deforestation. This situation puts pressure on the remaining population of only 6,600 Sumatran Orangutans.

What can we do to stop this? Poseidon presents a solution that will allow you to contribute towards reforestation with micro-donations for every purchase you make.

Let’s take action before it’s too late!
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Top 5 Endangered Animals - Sumatran Elephant

Are you aware of which are the most endangered animals today? Some of the species on this list will surprise you, as we might have taken them from granted.

Starting the Top 5 is the Sumatran Elephant. In the past 25 years, we have lost an astounding 70% of its habitat to deforestation for palm oil plantations, agriculture, and human settlements. Less than 2000 are estimated to exist.

We’ll keep revealing the Top Endangered Animals in the days to come and tell you what can be done to fix this with Poseidon.
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
An Important Project in Kenya

One of the projects that Poseidon is supporting is TIST in Kenya. This project aims to improve the lives of some of the poorest people in the world by creating a reforestation community.

They share information to capacitate farmers into leaders that will work towards tree planting and gender equality. All this work creates benefits for themselves, their country and the planet.

Our solution will let you help more projects like this. Learn more:
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Close the Sink!

If the sink of your house was dripping water, would you mope the floor every day or would you close it?

We can ask ourselves that same question regarding our planet. Climate change is a real problem that we are aware of, so is it enough to stop polluting or do we address the problem and fix it from the core?

This is what we want to achieve with Poseidon, a simple solution that will have an immediate impact in the planet.

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copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
The Climate Action Champion

Did you know that we are having a special contest after our platform has been live for a year?

Poseidon will select the top carbon emission reducers and invite them to visit one of our sustainable development projects. This means that some of you will have the opportunity to see the positive impact that we’re having on the environment with your own eyes.

Become a Climate Action Champion!
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
The Greatest Threat to Our Planet

Robert Swan was the first man in history to walk to both the North and South Poles. On his journey, he witnessed the negative impact of climate change with his own eyes.

Here’s one of our favorite quotes from him: "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

Don’t wait for someone else to do it, start taking action. Our solution will make it easier for anyone to become climate positive. Discover Poseidon!

Innovation doesn’t work if the planet doesn't work.
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
12 Years to Save the Planet

We only have 12 Years to Save the Planet, according to the world’s leading climate scientists.

If we don’t take action now and work to keep the temperature at a maximum of 1.5 C, there will be drastic changes that will raise the risk of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for millions of people.

At Poseidon, we propose a simple solution that won’t affect your lifestyle in the slightest but will definitely have a good impact on the planet.

Discover our solution:
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Blockchain for Impact Conference

Our CEO, Laszlo, came back from an amazing trip to Singapore where he had the opportunity to talk about Poseidon at the SGInnovate’s event “"Blockchain for Impact: Sustainability for a Threatened World."

The reception was outstanding, so if you missed the live stream you can watch the entire talk on YouTube right now!

Watch it Here:
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Are We Really Paying Extra?

Do you think that you are paying extra when you add carbon credits to your purchases?

Think about this way. You are only paying a few pennies for every product you buy in favor of a better future for the planet. It’s actually a discount from paying way more in the future when the damages caused by climate change start getting to us.

If we worry about our personal health, why wouldn’t we worry about the health of the planet? A few pennies today will save us many dollars tomorrow.

Our future doesn’t work if the planet doesn’t work.

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copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
Climate Change Awareness

Recently, there has been a rise in wildfires and hurricane strikes, among other disasters, which has created more climate change awareness.

Americans are starting to worry more about the issue, and according to a study, they also want to fix it but don’t know where to start.

Poseidon is the perfect solution to start helping the planet effortlessly. Discover how our platform will allow you to contribute to the environment and monitor the impact that you have.

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copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
What does it mean to be Climate Positive?

When you buy a product, let’s say a pair of shoes, they are responsible for a number of carbon emissions that are necessary to make them. If at the same time, you are buying more carbon credits from Poseidon, you have effectively turned that purchase into climate positive.

That way, you ensure that you give back to the planet more than you take when you buy your everyday products.

Let’s be climate positive together!
copper member
Activity: 228
Merit: 0
A New Way to Save the Planet

Poseidon will change the way we save the environment, by offering a solution that’s as simple as it sounds.

We want to empower people to donate a small number of their purchases, but give them the tools to actually monitor where their money is going. You will discover how much you are helping the planet by using the Reduce Platform.

Let’s take action and engage in climate action, effortlessly.

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