1. Go to Settings > Advanced options > Console > and type in command getbestblockhash
2. Copy the result that the wallet gives you.
3. Paste that result into this command: reconsiderblock PASTERESULTHERE
I tried this and it helped temporarily. Now the height is stuck at 348107.
We've received reports that the veil.tools snapshots are working again, so for those who are in need of snapshot file, you can take the file from there.
I tried this and it helped temporarily. Now the height is stuck at 347607.
I already use this version wallet.
I don't see any point in buying a Veil if the wallet doesn't work. I bought them in vain. Staking never ends because there are constantly some sync breaks.
The wallet is a bit of a resourcer eater, it might be your system that is not allowing the wallet to sync and mint properly.
Maybe post the specs of the system you are using. Devs already mentioned in the past they are working on making the wallet more efficient at processing and creating blocks.
Veil does use several protocols communicating with each other in order to create the anonymous transactions, it's not easy getting them all to play nice with each other.