Glad to see how PPC keeps moving on right direction and learning from btc mistakes. Few can do that.
Any thoughts on how to avoid the absurd situation BTC is or will be in with it's massive block chain? Installing an official BTC QT client now days is not a small task because of the huge download requirements (and it's getting worst by the minute). I still believe that big files are fragile files.
I only ask because I see the ugly trend in BTC, where the complete transaction data will be available for only the select few. Rest of us have to rely on bits of data made available via some "middleware" ("explorers"), controlled by those few... stinks like bank... hold on, *coin supposed to free us from the central control!
Regarding block chain size, I observe there are a couple lines of possible development in this front:
1) Ultraprune in bitcoin (large downloadable checkpoint of unspent outputs)
2) Balance based ledger block (this approach seems to have been taken by ripple)
3) Relocating unspent outputs forward in block chain
I am favoring 3) because of ease of implementation. Overall I think the most efficient is probably 2) but it's a costly redesign for bitcoin.
Regarding block size limit, it was put in there to prevent premature growth of block chain size. As you said, people have trouble doing the initial download because it's too intensive on the computer. We need more time for average PC to catch up to the job, to raise block size limit before that happens is going to make average node feeling the pain. The hardware more suitable for future bitcoin full node is: Terabyte SSD to accommodate the active part of block chain plus entire block index. Internet access preferably 100Mbps symmetric. This will allow bitcoin to begin competing against networks such as paypal in terms of transaction volume without sacrificing decentralization.
It's a tough decision, we'll see what happens with bitcoin. There is speculations going on that if bitcoin delays raising block size limit then transaction volume is going to flow to litecoin because at the current limit litecoin can handle 4x the transaction volume of bitcoin (bitcoin needs to raise block size limit to 4MB to match litecoin). The problem is that litecoin would have the exact same issues bitcoin network has in this situation.