Do you have any competitors ?
Of course, we have a lot of competitors, since our project is multifaceted.
Porn production is a form of art. Although I can name other porn studios you may think we're competitors, I think it would be incorrect, because I think it's the same as trying to find competitors on the arena of art. Considering VogoV as a brand new concept of a decentralized interactive porn studio, we're first, but aware of similar initiatives from the competition. However, they are only dreaming of it, when we're building it.
Concerning OgoShift, a cryptocurrency payment solution composed of several products, among our direct and indirect competitors you may see Epoch, GoCoin, CoinBase (to a certain extent), PumaPay, BitPay and others. OgoShift has a particularity that's a unique selling proposition - orientation towards the adult entertainment industry. The question of what competitors we have depends on the stage of OgoShift development. At one stage, it's every Ethereum wallet on the market. At another stage, it's every ETH/BTC/LTC... wallet. At a further stage, it's every payment system enabling to accept cryptocurrency. Of course, we differentiate our competitors on the basis of market orientation/user audience/technical realisation/geography of target market. For example, we carry out an in-depth comparative analysis of existing solutions in order to decide what features we should develop in OgoShift.