Really hoping for a miracle at this point tonight, I'm going to have to find another pool very soon if this becomes the norm and I certainly don't want to do that.
Looks like everyone's in the same boat.
I just don't get it. I JUST DON'T GET IT! Why do people keep complaining about the unexchanged over and over and over again?! What about it is sad? The fact that at any moment your balance could be shooting up like a rocket? You're scared that you won't get the coins from unexchanged at all if you don't get them today? I mean come on! If your payout is low for today but you have a lot of unexchanged your payout is most likely great the next day. It balances out people!
Sheesh, everyone needs to use their brains instead of the thing that you might or might not have between your legs.
Relax kid, no reason to get your panties in a massive rustle. The balance is suffering greatly today, I wanted to see why. Now take a pill and relax like a good ass kisser.