Try another switching pool with 10x less hash or more if you want profits for right now. There is no coin doing well enough for good profits at this kind of hashrate. Doge was the reason for the recent payout buffs, and MC is over 1/3 their hashrate anyways. A tipping point is being reached.
True but you can mine most coins solo and still expect at least
0.01 BTC per 1 MH/s.
That is the key; if you don't get that rate on a pool you are wasting your time.
Better off picking a single coin pool and mining on your own.
MiddleCoin is at 0.008~0.009 BTC per 1 MH/s so this is why people should be leaving.
Meh, so are Clever, Waffle, and Hashcows. None of the multipools are doing any better--according to their own webpages data.
The only way to beat it is by mining a single coin with a better profitability than that 0.009-0.01 that multis make. A quick perusal of CoinWarz today showed none that were more profitable than that. Right now Lottocoin tops the list and it's paying 0.0114BTC/Mh/day
There are coins out there that are, but you have to hunt for them--mostly the newer ones that are not multipool friendly because of their miners (think keccak here). Vert, Dark, etc.