The release client is available here.!T4hDVICC!fPGglOmk4pYQ2jAm4Pin_7dWfLd0CZdUysSa-ri9hAs
Make sure to save your seeds and passwords or make a backup of your wallet folder.
There is always the chance that your wallet could become corrupted.
Receiving your share
To receive your share please pm me with how you want to receive your share.
The recommended way is to create a new wallet and let me send your share to one of your addresses.
A list of all IPO transactions can be found here.
If you used escrow please look at the information below.
Double clicking on a transaction will open up a detailed view about that transaction.
Right clicking on a name will allow you to view its details,update or sell it.
To generate blocks your wallet must be unlocked.
The application requires a working oracle java 7 installation.
The application requires the use of the following ports:
- 9084 TCP: The port peers use to communicate which each other.
- 9085 TCP: The default port that is used for the RPC commands.
- 123 UDP: For access to NTP.
By default the application needs to have access to its own folder to read the settings and data files.
The application uses native libraries and is therefore only usable on the following systems:
- Windows x86/x64
- Linux x86/x64
- Mac OSX x64
Running the application
The easiest way to run the application is to just execute the run.bat/ file.
Running the application using this file will disable the RPC server and enable the GUI.
To run the application command line only you have to remove the –disablerpc option and instead add the –disablegui option. Both the GUI and RPC cannot be disabled at the same time.
Command Line Interface/Console
After running the application in command line only run the application again but now with the -cli option.
java -jar Qora-jar -cli
To execute a command use the following format:
GET transactions/network
POST payment {"amount":"10.05","fee":"1.000001","sender":"Qdxn4qW8kiPUiBnBSy9mbqMGBrBHRhK2JM","recipient":"QhMaXFowsVqdAhvU2xkcLzuVaH5VDyEWsS"}
Look below for the API documentation