Sorry, guys, that I interfere in your dispute, but ...
Before making any attempts to develop QQC, please think about ... Tencent!
What i've found today: Statement
All trademarks, service marks, logo, and trade names ("Trademark"), including but not limited to Penguin device,
QQ, TENG XUN in Chinese Characters (腾讯) and Tencent
are proprietary to Tencent or its affiliates. These trade marks are protected by Trademark Laws of the People's Republic of China.
Unless otherwise indicated or authorized by Tencent or relevant right holder, no user may change the Trademark. The forbidden changes include, without limitation, changes in the color, proportion, or design, or removal of any words, artwork, or trademark symbols.
No part of the Trademark may in any form, alone or in combination with other marks, names, or products, or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other means be used, or reproduced, or be broadcast, or transmitted without prior written permission from Tencent.Tencent shall hold any party liable for any unauthorized action that is inconsistent with the law applicable to the Trademarks.
Legal Department, Tencent
Seems that no exchange in China, as in USA will agree to add QQCoin.