I like your points -
Just to add to below - I stated that because so much i see an anti "government" stance on these and other forums by "crypto anarchists" when Government is clearly not the problem, Government is not perfect and certainly corrupt , but certainly not the problem -
Don't ever listen to a Government and believe what they officially say , < That is a good piece of general advice a government could be at one time saying one thing and then preparing to do the complete opposite.
Because a "government" is just the Sum of its parts.
however the process will not be a fast one.
P15 - Disruptions Ahead – The monetary system needs reform and replacement but the way this is done will have wider effects on Government finances and personal savings, so a lack of good response by Government to prepare society and economy for the changes would be a problem.
Not a “Problem” as is the case with any “evolution” -
The situation is quite simple (if you turn your TV off) .
Corporations run most nations, the biggest Corporation is the one that issued the currency.
These Corps control the “Government” that is supposed to give “fiat” value to that currency.
They use their private agencies “NSA CIA SS IRS” like the “Gestapo” against the Government as a vector of control -
They use the ownership of the “TV” corporations (a single directional form of information control) as a vector of control on Government.
but neither “Government” or these Corporations can control a FULLY DISTRIBUTED crypto currency. and there are many of them now out there - and they are supranational -
but however -
Out of the two entities that exist. (Government and Corporations), Cryptocurrency gives power back to Government; and actually “balances” the vastly out of balance equation between these two entity’s relationship.
so what will happen is clear and obvious.
Cryptocurrency influence will slowly gain on “Government” and at the same time fiat will slowly lose influence on “Government”; as the primary vector for control of Government by corps is; fiat issuance; media control and “agencies”.
As fiat power loses value;
Controlled Media will become unfunded. and start to look more like “Communist propaganda”
Agencies will continue to exist but change as “decent people” take positions closer to the “Government mandate”
Nations that are not fully controlled by Corporate entities - if it is alleged that they exist they have a distinct advantage as they can pro-actively take the lead, for other nations the process will likely be very much slower .
the reason the “smarter” more independent governments will benefit is because just like with the “Internet” as they adopt Crypto currency more “human energy” and business will flow to that nation and give its “GDP” more intrinsic value - .
the other reason it may be attractive to “Strong Governments” is the “we can’t control it but neither can you” aspect -
so even Government(s) that are viewed as “authoritarian” may view crypto currency as an option because although they are not in control they may be faced with an option of someone else being in control, and play a card of “no control” - , although this is just a temporary thing as Crytpo currency is not localised and supranational, so it would not matter in the long term, its as good as a nation trying to “stop the Internet” - but without any of the negative affects .
so any nation that is actively today trying to “stop the Internet” is likely to have a “basket case” fiat currency and thus would face the contradiction that there is a supranational Cryptocurrency (that no one controls) operating in their nation; but its vastly more stable and beneficial than their own “basket case” national fiat -, so in this scenario once education occurs, and general benefit is witnessed, there would be the likely outcome that the "government" of that nation would “turn a blind eye” - to this Crypto or indeed in fact work with it; and thus the integration effect occurs organically - .