Rainbow Lite RBL
"There is a Lite at the end of the Rainbow"
Est 1.13.2018
Purpose:To offer coin holders of RainbowGold Coin an opportunity to exchange their previously obtained dormant coins for a coin that is new with upgraded features meeting today's crypto currency standards while giving new users an opportunity to experience a true crypto currency community as well. The promise of this coin is a development team that will not walk away for years and suddenly return to be around for who knows how long.
Tech Specs:
Algo: Scrypt
Premine: 250M
Staking Maturity: 3 days
Swap: 1000:1
Swap Deadline: Mar 17, 2018
Block Reward: 25 Coins
Block Maturity: 10 Confirms
Min tx fee: .0001
Transfer Confirms: 4
Why Scrypt?:We feel it is important to stay true to the original inspirations behind this project which are RainbowGold and LiteCoin, both are scrypt based coins. This project was conceived from a necessity to assist a community that has all but been destroyed by exchanges who have taken advantaged of it's users and a lack of follow through on the original project.
Why PoS/PoW?:Today's crypto economic trend is to reward those users who "hold" coins keeping the value up on the markets, we have combined this feature with some of the original coin's specs to give users the best of both worlds. Hybrid coins are the trend of the future, allowing for potential growth by mining as well as keeping the wallet open. These aspects keep the blockchain moving in the event of a 51% hash attack.
Premine Wallets
Please Note: The premine wallets will not be allowed to stake! The Swap, Listings,and Promotions wallets will be burned and the funds in the Developers wallet will be distributed on March 18, 2018.
For Swaps: rGwZeWJFgtzputr2HHAhQWerRp6kfaEsws
For Listings: r839xZeQWqoA7gWDfMK4RPBuuCtCnjbvmJ
For Promotions: rQ59Qh6H8Cwzp3WE8eYppjUJQdtL3XeJi5
For Developers: rRdoGdj3Nwf4ocqdHh5C2ZSHHAGxcSyiwX
Who are we?: We are a team of crypto enthusiast with a wide range of experiences dating back to the beginning of crypto currency, the development team is well known for it's ability to deliver on promises and their reliability. We believe the community is the key to crypto's success on a whole and are taking action to assist longtime users who have been previously "burned" while welcoming new users into the community. An expectation is that the early community will consist mainly of previous owners, but through use of promotions we plan on building a strong vibrant community by introducing them to this new coin.
What are the plan's for RBL after launch?:By leveraging our combined experiences we will be able to put this coin on several markets quickly, offer incentives to new users and assist users of the old coin by swapping them out for Rainbow Lite. In addition there will be extensive marketing supporting the project through several social media channels as well as a faucet to increase circulation early on. Various promotions will be used to spread the word of Rainbow Lite. We will work with other coin developers to form a network of support for mutual benefit.
What happens to my old coin if I choose to swap?: They will be destroyed. The swap option will be provided for a limited time only and upon the expiration of that time frame the remaining coins in the swap wallet as well as the old coins acquired will be "burned" removing them from circulation forever.
Why swap at all?:To often coin developers launch and abandon projects for reasons that only benefit themselves leaving users "holding the bag." We believe it is important to change that culture by setting an example and compensating those who have invested resources, time, and money into a project with an opportunity to get something back of value.
What are your plans to keep RBL alive?: Early on we intend to offer an open marketplace option for merchandise. It isn't enough anymore to be listed on an exchange. In order for a coin to be successful long term, it needs to have a use in the real world as well.
The Rainbow Lite Team
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