(5s):17.37M (avg):14.07Mh/s | A:5546 R:33 HW:0 WU:25.154/m
ST: 2 SS: 0 NB: 119 LW: 8218 GF: 0 RF: 0
Connected to stratum.minepool.com (stratum) diff 12 as user R.........................
Block: 10c80012... Diff:20.6K Started: [19:00:43] Best share: 33K
[P]ool management [G]PU management [S ]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
GPU 0: 73.0C 1420RPM | 116.2K/1.435Mh/s | R: 0.4% HW:0 WU:2.577/m I:19
GPU 1: 74.0C 2024RPM | 7.547M/6.310Mh/s | R: 0.3% HW:0 WU:10.920/m I:19
GPU 2: 73.0C 421RPM | 7.855M/6.322Mh/s | R: 0.9% HW:0 WU:11.666/m I:19
3x MSI AMD RX580 Armor 8GB OC
GPU 0 is not performing. I don't understand, all 3 GPU connected to same PSU Coolermaster 850w Gold, total system only draws 462W from wall. Windows 10 64bit, latest AMD drivers Adrenalin Edition 18.4.1
after a restart the first 30 seconds all GPUs perform the same then GPU 0 slowly drops hashpower
Update: tried Avermore 1.4.0 miner, same problem
Update2: after complete restart of system, it gets even more weird:
GPU 0: 72.0C 1129RPM | 5.625M/5.666Mh/s | R: 0.0% HW:0 WU:8.768/m I:19
GPU 1: 74.0C 1511RPM | 5.636M/5.673Mh/s | R: 3.4% HW:0 WU:9.964/m I:19
GPU 2: 54.0C 0RPM | 2.711M/1.149Mh/s | R: 0.0% HW:0 WU:3.587/m I:19
GPU 2 is now dropping hashpower GPU 0 (and GPU 1) doing fine
Could it be something with Motherboard BIOS ? I used 3 1080TI GPUs in the past on the mobo wothout problems, maybe these "new" card give some trouble in combination with mobo? Asrock 970 extreme 4
got same problem and it should be related to OC, so lower your OC and find the right settings for mining.